Dynamic Scenarios

The Scenic Fundamentals described how Scenic can model scenarios like “a badly-parked car” by defining spatial relationships between objects. Here, we’ll cover how to model temporal aspects of scenarios: for a scenario like “a badly-parked car, which pulls into the road as the ego car approaches”, we need to specify not only the initial position of the car but how it behaves over time.

Agents, Actions, and Behaviors

In Scenic, we call objects which take actions over time dynamic agents, or simply agents. These are ordinary Scenic objects, so we can still use all of Scenic’s syntax for describing their initial positions, orientations, etc. In addition, we specify their dynamic behavior using a built-in property called behavior. Here’s an example using one of the built-in behaviors from the Driving Domain:

model scenic.domains.driving.model
new Car with behavior FollowLaneBehavior

A behavior defines a sequence of actions for the agent to take, which need not be fixed but can be probabilistic and depend on the state of the agent or other objects. In Scenic, an action is an instantaneous operation executed by an agent, like setting the steering angle of a car or turning on its headlights. Most actions are specific to particular application domains, and so different sets of actions are provided by different simulator interfaces. For example, the Driving Domain defines a SetThrottleAction for cars.

To define a behavior, we write a function which runs over the course of the scenario, periodically issuing actions. Scenic uses a discrete notion of time, so at each time step the function specifies zero or more actions for the agent to take. For example, here is a very simplified version of the FollowLaneBehavior above:

behavior FollowLaneBehavior():
    while True:
        throttle, steering = ...    # compute controls
        take SetThrottleAction(throttle), SetSteerAction(steering)

We intend this behavior to run for the entire scenario, so we use an infinite loop. In each step of the loop, we compute appropriate throttle and steering controls, then use the take statement to take the corresponding actions. When that statement is executed, Scenic pauses the behavior until the next time step of the simulation, when the function resumes and the loop repeats.

When there are multiple agents, all of their behaviors run in parallel; each time step, Scenic sends their selected actions to the simulator to be executed and advances the simulation by one step. It then reads back the state of the simulation, updating the positions and other dynamic properties of the objects.

Diagram showing interaction between Scenic and a simulator.

Behaviors can access the current state of the world to decide what actions to take:

behavior WaitUntilClose(threshold=15):
    while (distance from self to ego) > threshold:
    do FollowLaneBehavior()

Here, we repeatedly query the distance from the agent running the behavior (self) to the ego car; as long as it is above a threshold, we wait, which means take no actions. Once the threshold is met, we start driving by invoking the FollowLaneBehavior we saw above using the do statement. Since FollowLaneBehavior runs forever, we will never return to the WaitUntilClose behavior.

The example above also shows how behaviors may take arguments, like any Scenic function. Here, threshold is an argument to the behavior which has default value 15 but can be customized, so we could write for example:

ego = new Car
car2 = new Car visible, with behavior WaitUntilClose
car3 = new Car visible, with behavior WaitUntilClose(20)

Both car2 and car3 will use the WaitUntilClose behavior, but independent copies of it with thresholds of 15 and 20 respectively.

Unlike ordinary Scenic code, control flow constructs such as if and while are allowed to depend on random variables inside a behavior. Any distributions defined inside a behavior are sampled at simulation time, not during scene sampling. Consider the following behavior:

1behavior Foo():
2    threshold = Range(4, 7)
3    while True:
4        if self.distanceToClosest(Pedestrian) < threshold:
5            strength = TruncatedNormal(0.8, 0.02, 0.5, 1)
6            take SetBrakeAction(strength), SetThrottleAction(0)
7        else:
8            take SetThrottleAction(0.5), SetBrakeAction(0)

Here, the value of threshold is sampled only once, at the beginning of the scenario when the behavior starts running. The value strength, on the other hand, is sampled every time control reaches line 5, so that every time step when the car is braking we use a slightly different braking strength (0.8 on average, but with Gaussian noise added with standard deviation 0.02, truncating the possible values to between 0.5 and 1).


It is frequently useful to take an existing behavior and add a complication to it; for example, suppose we want a car that follows a lane, stopping whenever it encounters an obstacle. Scenic provides a concept of interrupts which allows us to reuse the basic FollowLaneBehavior without having to modify it:

behavior FollowAvoidingObstacles():
        do FollowLaneBehavior()
    interrupt when self.distanceToClosest(Object) < 5:
        take SetBrakeAction(1)

This try-interrupt statement has similar syntax to the Python try statement (and in fact allows except clauses just as in Python), and begins in the same way: at first, the code block after the try: (the body) is executed. At the start of every time step during its execution, the condition from each interrupt clause is checked; if any are true, execution of the body is suspended and we instead begin to execute the corresponding interrupt handler. In the example above, there is only one interrupt, which fires when we come within 5 meters of any object. When that happens, FollowLaneBehavior is paused and we instead apply full braking for one time step. In the next step, we will resume FollowLaneBehavior wherever it left off, unless we are still within 5 meters of an object, in which case the interrupt will fire again.

If there are multiple interrupt clauses, successive clauses take precedence over those which precede them. Furthermore, such higher-priority interrupts can fire even during the execution of an earlier interrupt handler. This makes it easy to model a hierarchy of behaviors with different priorities; for example, we could implement a car which drives along a lane, passing slow cars and avoiding collisions, along the following lines:

behavior Drive():
        do FollowLaneBehavior()
    interrupt when self.distanceToNextObstacle() < 20:
        do PassingBehavior()
    interrupt when self.timeToCollision() < 5:
        do CollisionAvoidance()

Here, the car begins by lane following, switching to passing if there is a car or other obstacle too close ahead. During either of those two sub-behaviors, if the time to collision gets too low, we switch to collision avoidance. Once the CollisionAvoidance behavior completes, we will resume whichever behavior was interrupted earlier. If we were in the middle of PassingBehavior, it will run to completion (possibly being interrupted again) before we finally resume FollowLaneBehavior.

As this example illustrates, when an interrupt handler completes, by default we resume execution of the interrupted code. If this is undesired, the abort statement can be used to cause the entire try-interrupt statement to exit. For example, to run a behavior until a condition is met without resuming it afterward, we can write:

behavior ApproachAndTurnLeft():
        do FollowLaneBehavior()
    interrupt when (distance from self to intersection) < 10:
        abort    # cancel lane following
    do WaitForTrafficLightBehavior()
    do TurnLeftBehavior()

This is a common enough use case of interrupts that Scenic provides a shorthand notation:

behavior ApproachAndTurnLeft():
    do FollowLaneBehavior() until (distance from self to intersection) < 10
    do WaitForTrafficLightBehavior()
    do TurnLeftBehavior()

Scenic also provides a shorthand for interrupting a behavior after a certain period of time:

behavior DriveForAWhile():
    do FollowLaneBehavior() for 30 seconds

The alternative form do behavior for n steps uses time steps instead of real simulation time.

Finally, note that when try-interrupt statements are nested, interrupts of the outer statement take precedence. This makes it easy to build up complex behaviors in a modular way. For example, the behavior Drive we wrote above is relatively complicated, using interrupts to switch between several different sub-behaviors. We would like to be able to put it in a library and reuse it in many different scenarios without modification. Interrupts make this straightforward; for example, if for a particular scenario we want a car that drives normally but suddenly brakes for 5 seconds when it reaches a certain area, we can write:

behavior DriveWithSuddenBrake():
    haveBraked = False
        do Drive()
    interrupt when self in targetRegion and not haveBraked:
        do StopBehavior() for 5 seconds
        haveBraked = True

With this behavior, Drive operates as it did before, interrupts firing as appropriate to switch between lane following, passing, and collision avoidance. But during any of these sub-behaviors, if the car enters the targetRegion it will immediately brake for 5 seconds, then pick up where it left off.

Stateful Behaviors

As the last example shows, behaviors can use local variables to maintain state, which is useful when implementing behaviors which depend on actions taken in the past. To elaborate on that example, suppose we want a car which usually follows the Drive behavior, but every 15-30 seconds stops for 5 seconds. We can implement this behavior as follows:

behavior DriveWithRandomStops():
    delay = Range(15, 30) seconds
    last_stop = 0
        do Drive()
    interrupt when simulation().currentTime - last_stop > delay:
        do StopBehavior() for 5 seconds
        delay = Range(15, 30) seconds
        last_stop = simulation().currentTime

Here delay is the randomly-chosen amount of time to run Drive for, and last_stop keeps track of the time when we last started to run it. When the time elapsed since last_stop exceeds delay, we interrupt Drive and stop for 5 seconds. Afterwards, we pick a new delay before the next stop, and save the current time in last_stop, effectively resetting our timer to zero.


It is possible to change global state from within a behavior by using the Python global statement, for instance to communicate between behaviors. If using this ability, keep in mind that the order in which behaviors of different agents is executed within a single time step could affect your results. The default order is the order in which the agents were defined, but it can be adjusted by overriding the Simulation.scheduleForAgents method.

Requirements and Monitors

Just as you can declare spatial constraints on scenes using the require statement, you can also impose constraints on dynamic scenarios. For example, if we don’t want to generate any simulations where car1 and car2 are simultaneously visible from the ego car, we could write:

require always not ((ego can see car1) and (ego can see car2))

Here, always condition is a temporal operator which can only be used inside a requirement, and which evaluates to true if and only if the condition is true at every time step of the scenario. So if the condition above is ever false during a simulation, the requirement will be violated, causing Scenic to reject that simulation and sample a new one. Similarly, we can require that a condition hold at some time during the scenario using the eventually operator:

require eventually ego in intersection

It is also possible to relate conditions at different time steps. For example, to require that car1 enters the intersection no later than when car2 does, we can use the until operator:

require car2 not in intersection until car1 in intersection
require eventually car2 in intersection

Temporal operators can be combined with Boolean operators to build up more complex requirements [1], e.g.:

require (always car.speed < 30) implies (always distance to car > 10)

See Temporal Operators for a complete list of the available operators and their semantics.

You can also use the ordinary require statement inside a behavior to require that a given condition hold at a certain point during the execution of the behavior. For example, here is a simple elaboration of the WaitUntilClose behavior we saw above which requires that no pedestrian comes close to self until the ego does (after which we place no further restrictions):

behavior WaitUntilClose(threshold=15):
    while distance from self to ego > threshold:
        require self.distanceToClosest(Pedestrian) > threshold
    do FollowLaneBehavior()

If you want to enforce a complex requirement that isn’t conveniently expressible either using the temporal operators built into Scenic or by modifying a behavior, you can define a monitor. Like behaviors, monitors are functions which run in parallel with the scenario, but they are not associated with any agent and any actions they take are ignored (so you might as well only use the wait statement). Here is a monitor for requiring that a given car spends at most a certain amount of time in the intersection:

1monitor LimitTimeInIntersection(car, limit=100):
2    stepsInIntersection = 0
3    while True:
4        require stepsInIntersection <= limit
5        if car in intersection:
6            stepsInIntersection += 1
7        wait

We use the variable stepsInIntersection to remember how many time steps car has spent in the intersection; if it ever exceeds the limit, the requirement on line 4 will fail and we will reject the simulation. Note the necessity of the wait statement on line 7: if we omitted it, the loop could run forever without any time actually passing in the simulation.

Like behaviors, monitors can take parameters, allowing a monitor defined in a library to be reused in various situations. To instantiate a monitor in a scenario, use the require monitor statement:

require monitor LimitTimeInIntersection(ego)
require monitor LimitTimeInIntersection(taxi, limit=200)

Preconditions and Invariants

Even general behaviors designed to be used in multiple scenarios may not operate correctly from all possible starting states: for example, FollowLaneBehavior assumes that the agent is actually in a lane rather than, say, on a sidewalk. To model such assumptions, Scenic provides a notion of guards for behaviors. Most simply, we can specify one or more preconditions:

behavior MergeInto(newLane):
    precondition: self.lane is not newLane and self.road is newLane.road

Here, the precondition requires that whenever the MergeInto behavior is executed by an agent, the agent must not already be in the destination lane but should be on the same road. We can add any number of such preconditions; like ordinary requirements, violating any precondition causes the simulation to be rejected.

Since behaviors can be interrupted, it is possible for a behavior to resume execution in a state it doesn’t expect: imagine a car which is lane following, but then swerves onto the shoulder to avoid an accident; naïvely resuming lane following, we find we are no longer in a lane. To catch such situations, Scenic allows us to define invariants which are checked at every time step during the execution of a behavior, not just when it begins running. These are written similarly to preconditions:

behavior FollowLaneBehavior():
    invariant: self in road

While the default behavior for guard violations is to reject the simulation, in some cases it may be possible to recover from a violation by taking some additional actions. To enable this kind of design, Scenic signals guard violations by raising a GuardViolation exception which can be caught like any other exception; the simulation is only rejected if the exception propagates out to the top level. So to model the lane-following-with-collision-avoidance behavior suggested above, we could write code like this:

behavior Drive():
    while True:
            do FollowLaneBehavior()
        interrupt when self.distanceToClosest(Object) < 5:
            do CollisionAvoidance()
        except InvariantViolation:   # FollowLaneBehavior has failed
            do GetBackOntoRoad()

When any object comes within 5 meters, we suspend lane following and switch to collision avoidance. When the CollisionAvoidance behavior completes, FollowLaneBehavior will be resumed; if its invariant fails because we are no longer on the road, we catch the resulting InvariantViolation exception and run a GetBackOntoRoad behavior to restore the invariant. The whole try statement then completes, so the outermost loop iterates and we begin lane following once again.

Terminating the Scenario

By default, scenarios run forever, unless the --time option is used to impose a time limit. However, scenarios can also define termination criteria using the terminate when statement; for example, we could decide to end a scenario as soon as the ego car travels at least a certain distance:

start = new Point on road
ego = new Car at start
terminate when (distance to start) >= 50

Additionally, the terminate statement can be used inside behaviors and monitors: if it is ever executed, the scenario ends. For example, we can use a monitor to terminate the scenario once the ego spends 30 time steps in an intersection:

monitor StopAfterTimeInIntersection:
    totalTime = 0
    while totalTime < 30:
        if ego in intersection:
            totalTime += 1


In order to make sure that requirements are not violated, termination criteria are only checked after all requirements. So if in the same time step a monitor uses the terminate statement but another behavior uses require with a false condition, the simulation will be rejected rather than terminated.

Trying Some Examples

You can see all of the above syntax in action by running some of our examples of dynamic scenarios. We have examples written for the CARLA and LGSVL driving simulators, and those in examples/driving in particular are designed to use Scenic’s abstract driving domain and so work in either of these simulators, as well as Scenic’s built-in Newtonian physics simulator. The Newtonian simulator is convenient for testing and simple experiments; you can find details on how to install the more realistic simulators in our Supported Simulators page (they should work on both Linux and Windows, but not macOS, at the moment).

Let’s try running examples/driving/badlyParkedCarPullingIn.scenic, which implements the “a badly-parked car, which pulls into the road as the ego car approaches” scenario we mentioned above. To start out, you can run it like any other Scenic scenario to get the usual schematic diagram of the generated scenes:

$ scenic examples/driving/badlyParkedCarPullingIn.scenic --2d

To run dynamic simulations, add the --simulate option (-S for short). Since this scenario is not written for a particular simulator, you’ll need to specify which one you want by using the --model option (-m for short) to select the corresponding Scenic world model: for example, to use the Newtonian simulator we could add --model scenic.simulators.newtonian.driving_model. It’s also a good idea to put a time bound on the simulations, which we can do using the --time option.

$ scenic examples/driving/badlyParkedCarPullingIn.scenic \
    --2d       \
    --simulate \
    --model scenic.simulators.newtonian.driving_model \
    --time 200

Running the scenario in CARLA is exactly the same, except we use the --model scenic.simulators.carla.model option instead (make sure to start CARLA running first). For LGSVL, the one difference is that this scenario specifies a map which LGSVL doesn’t have built in; fortunately, it’s easy to switch to a different map. For scenarios using the driving domain, the map file is specified by defining a global parameter map, and for the LGSVL interface we use another parameter lgsvl_map to specify the name of the map in LGSVL (the CARLA interface likewise uses a parameter carla_map). These parameters can be set at the command line using the --param option (-p for short); for example, let’s pick the “BorregasAve” LGSVL map, an OpenDRIVE file for which is included in the Scenic repository. We can then run a simulation by starting LGSVL in “API Only” mode and invoking Scenic as follows:

$ scenic examples/driving/badlyParkedCarPullingIn.scenic \
    --2d       \
    --simulate \
    --model scenic.simulators.lgsvl.model \
    --time 200 \
    --param map assets/maps/LGSVL/borregasave.xodr \
    --param lgsvl_map BorregasAve

Try playing around with different example scenarios and different choices of maps (making sure that you keep the map and lgsvl_map/carla_map parameters consistent). For both CARLA and LGSVL, you don’t have to restart the simulator between scenarios: just kill Scenic [2] and restart it with different arguments.

Further Reading

This tutorial illustrated most of Scenic’s core syntax for dynamic scenarios. As with the rest of Scenic’s syntax, these constructs are summarized in our Syntax Guide, with links to detailed documentation in the Language Reference. You may also be interested in some other sections of the documentation:

Composing Scenarios

Building more complex scenarios out of simpler ones in a modular way.

Supported Simulators

Details on which simulator interfaces support dynamic scenarios.

Execution of Dynamic Scenarios

The gory details of exactly how behaviors run, monitors are checked, etc. (probably not worth reading unless you’re having a subtle timing issue).
