"""Behaviors and monitors."""
import functools
import inspect
import itertools
import sys
import warnings
from scenic.core.distributions import Samplable, toDistribution
import scenic.core.dynamics as dynamics
from scenic.core.errors import InvalidScenarioError
from scenic.core.type_support import CoercionFailure
from scenic.core.utils import alarm
from .invocables import Invocable
from .utils import StuckBehaviorWarning
[docs]class Behavior(Invocable, Samplable):
"""Dynamic behaviors of agents.
Behavior statements are translated into definitions of subclasses of this class.
_noActionsMsg = (
'does not take any actions (perhaps you forgot to use "take" or "do"?)'
def __init_subclass__(cls):
if "__signature__" in cls.__dict__:
# We're unpickling a behavior; skip this step.
if cls.__module__ is not __name__:
import scenic.syntax.veneer as veneer
if veneer.currentScenario:
target = cls.makeGenerator
target = functools.partial(target, 0, 0) # account for Scenic-inserted args
cls.__signature__ = inspect.signature(target)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
args = tuple(toDistribution(arg) for arg in args)
kwargs = {name: toDistribution(arg) for name, arg in kwargs.items()}
# Validate arguments to the behavior
sig = inspect.signature(self.makeGenerator)
sig.bind(None, *args, **kwargs) # raises TypeError on incompatible arguments
Samplable.__init__(self, itertools.chain(args, kwargs.values()))
Invocable.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
if not inspect.isgeneratorfunction(self.makeGenerator):
raise InvalidScenarioError(f"{self} {self._noActionsMsg}")
def _canCoerceType(cls, ty):
return issubclass(ty, cls) or ty in (type, type(None))
def _coerce(cls, thing):
if thing is None or isinstance(thing, cls):
return thing
elif issubclass(thing, cls):
return thing()
raise CoercionFailure(f"expected type of behavior, got {thing}")
def sampleGiven(self, value):
args = (value[arg] for arg in self._args)
kwargs = {name: value[val] for name, val in self._kwargs.items()}
return type(self)(*args, **kwargs)
def _assignTo(self, agent):
if self._agent and agent is self._agent._dynamicProxy:
# Assigned again (e.g. by override) to same agent; do nothing.
if self._isRunning:
raise InvalidScenarioError(
f"tried to reuse behavior object {self} already assigned to {self._agent}"
def _start(self, agent):
self._agent = agent
self._runningIterator = self.makeGenerator(agent, *self._args, **self._kwargs)
def _step(self):
import scenic.syntax.veneer as veneer
assert self._runningIterator
def alarmHandler(signum, frame):
# NOTE: if using pytest-cov, sys.gettrace() set to CTracer(), but we still want timeout warnings enabled
if sys.gettrace() and "coverage" not in str(type(sys.gettrace())):
return # skip the warning if we're in the debugger
f"the behavior {self} is taking a long time to take an action; "
"maybe you have an infinite loop with no take/wait statements?",
timeout = dynamics.stuckBehaviorWarningTimeout
with veneer.executeInBehavior(self), alarm(timeout, alarmHandler):
actions = self._runningIterator.send(None)
except StopIteration:
actions = () # behavior ended early
return actions
def _stop(self, reason=None):
self._agent = None
self._runningIterator = None
def _isFinished(self):
return self._runningIterator is None
def _invokeInner(self, agent, subs):
import scenic.syntax.veneer as veneer
assert len(subs) == 1
sub = subs[0]
if not isinstance(sub, Behavior):
raise TypeError(f"expected a behavior, got {sub}")
with veneer.executeInBehavior(sub):
yield from sub._runningIterator
if sub._isRunning:
def __repr__(self):
items = itertools.chain(
(repr(arg) for arg in self._args),
(f"{key}={repr(val)}" for key, val in self._kwargs.items()),
allArgs = ", ".join(items)
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({allArgs})"
[docs]class Monitor(Behavior):
"""Monitors for dynamic simulations.
Monitor statements are translated into definitions of subclasses of this class.
_noActionsMsg = 'does not take any actions (perhaps you forgot to use "wait"?)'
def _start(self):
return super()._start(None)