Source code for scenic.core.lazy_eval

"""Support for lazy evaluation of expressions and specifiers.

Lazy evaluation is necessary for expressions like :scenic:`30 deg relative to roadDirection`
where :scenic:`roadDirection` is a vector field and so defines a different heading at
different positions. Scenic defers evaluation of such expressions until they are used in
the definition of an object, when the required context (here, a position) is available.
This is implemented by representing lazy values as special objects which capture all
operations applied to them (in a similar way to `Distribution` objects). The main class
of such objects is `DelayedArgument`: in the above example, the :scenic:`relative to`
operator returns such an object. However, since lazy values can appear as arguments to
distributions, `Distribution` objects can also require lazy evaluation (prior to
sampling); therefore both of these classes derive from a common abstract class

import inspect
import itertools
import types

from scenic.core.utils import DefaultIdentityDict

[docs]class LazilyEvaluable: """Values which may require evaluation in the context of an object being constructed. If a LazilyEvaluable specifies any properties it depends on, then it cannot be evaluated to a normal value except during the construction of an object which already has values for those properties. Args: requiredProps: sequence of strings naming all properties which this value can depend on (formally, which must exist in the object passed as the context to `evaluateIn`). dependencies: for internal use only (see `Samplable`). Attributes: _requiredProperties: set of strings as above. """ def __init__(self, requiredProps, dependencies=()): self._dependencies = tuple(dependencies) # fixed order for reproducibility self._requiredProperties = tuple(sorted(set(requiredProps))) self._needsSampling = ns = bool(self._dependencies) self._needsLazyEval = nle = bool(self._requiredProperties) self._isLazy = ns or nle
[docs] def evaluateIn(self, context): """Evaluate this value in the context of an object being constructed. The object must define all of the properties on which this value depends. """ # cache of lazy values already evaluated in this context cache = context._evaluated if self in cache: return cache[self] # avoid making a new evaluated copy of this value assert all(hasattr(context, prop) for prop in self._requiredProperties) value = self.evaluateInner(context) # value should not require further evaluation assert not needsLazyEvaluation(value) cache[self] = value return value
[docs] def evaluateInner(self, context): """Actually evaluate in the given context, which provides all required properties. Overridden by subclasses. """ return self
[docs] @staticmethod def makeContext(**props): """Make a context with the given properties.""" context = types.SimpleNamespace(**props) context._evaluated = DefaultIdentityDict() return context
@staticmethod def getContextValues(context): properties = context.__dict__.copy() del properties["_evaluated"] return properties
[docs]class DelayedArgument(LazilyEvaluable): """DelayedArgument(requiredProps, value, _internal=False) Specifier arguments requiring other properties to be evaluated first. The value of a DelayedArgument is given by a function mapping the context (object under construction) to a value. .. note:: When called from a dynamic behavior, constructors for delayed arguments return *actual evaluations*, not `DelayedArgument` objects. The agent running the behavior is used as the evaluation context. Args: requiredProps: see `LazilyEvaluable`. value: function taking a single argument (the context) and returning the corresponding evaluation of this object. _internal (bool): set to `True` for internal uses that need to suppress the exceptional handling of calls from dynamic behaviors above. """ def __new__(cls, *args, _internal=False, **kwargs): darg = super().__new__(cls) if _internal: return darg # at runtime, evaluate immediately in the context of the current agent import scenic.syntax.veneer as veneer if veneer.simulationInProgress() and veneer.currentBehavior: agent = veneer.currentBehavior._agent assert agent darg.__init__(*args, **kwargs) agent._evaluated = DefaultIdentityDict() value = darg.evaluateIn(agent) del agent._evaluated return value else: return darg def __init__(self, requiredProps, value, _internal=False): self.value = value super().__init__(requiredProps) self._needsLazyEval = True self._isLazy = True def evaluateInner(self, context): return self.value(context) def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith("__") and name.endswith("__"): # ignore special attributes return object.__getattribute__(self, name) return DelayedArgument( self._requiredProperties, lambda context: getattr(self.evaluateIn(context), name), _internal=True, ) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): subprops = ( requiredProperties(arg) for arg in itertools.chain(args, kwargs.values()) ) props = set(self._requiredProperties).union(*subprops) def value(context): subvalues = (valueInContext(arg, context) for arg in args) kwsvs = {name: valueInContext(arg, context) for name, arg in kwargs.items()} return self.evaluateIn(context)(*subvalues, **kwsvs) return DelayedArgument(props, value, _internal=True)
# Operators which can be applied to DelayedArguments allowedOperators = [ "__neg__", "__pos__", "__abs__", "__lt__", "__le__", "__eq__", "__ne__", "__gt__", "__ge__", "__add__", "__radd__", "__sub__", "__rsub__", "__mul__", "__rmul__", "__truediv__", "__rtruediv__", "__floordiv__", "__rfloordiv__", "__mod__", "__rmod__", "__divmod__", "__rdivmod__", "__pow__", "__rpow__", "__round__", "__len__", "__getitem__", ] def makeDelayedOperatorHandler(op): def handler(self, *args): props = set(self._requiredProperties).union( *(requiredProperties(arg) for arg in args) ) def value(context): subvalues = (valueInContext(arg, context) for arg in args) return getattr(self.evaluateIn(context), op)(*subvalues) return DelayedArgument(props, value, _internal=True) return handler for op in allowedOperators: setattr(DelayedArgument, op, makeDelayedOperatorHandler(op))
[docs]def makeDelayedFunctionCall(func, args, kwargs={}): """Utility function for creating a lazily-evaluated function call.""" assert callable(func), func props = set().union( *(requiredProperties(arg) for arg in itertools.chain(args, kwargs.values())) ) def value(context): subvalues = (valueInContext(arg, context) for arg in args) kwsubvals = {name: valueInContext(arg, context) for name, arg in kwargs.items()} return func(*subvalues, **kwsubvals) return DelayedArgument(props, value, _internal=True)
[docs]def valueInContext(value, context): """Evaluate something in the context of an object being constructed.""" if isinstance(value, LazilyEvaluable) and needsLazyEvaluation(value): return value.evaluateIn(context) return value
[docs]def toLazyValue(thing): """Wrap a Python object in a `DelayedArgument` if it needs lazy evaluation.""" if isinstance(thing, DelayedArgument): return thing if isinstance(thing, (list, tuple)): coords = tuple(toLazyValue(c) for c in thing) if any(needsLazyEvaluation(c) for c in coords): if isinstance(thing, tuple) and hasattr(thing, "_fields"): # namedtuple builder = type(thing)._make else: builder = type(thing) packer = lambda *args: builder(args) return makeDelayedFunctionCall(packer, coords) elif isinstance(thing, dict): items = toLazyValue(tuple(thing.items())) if needsLazyEvaluation(items): return makeDelayedFunctionCall(type(thing), (items,)) return thing
[docs]def requiredProperties(thing): """Set of properties needed to evaluate the given value, if any.""" if isinstance(thing, LazilyEvaluable): return set(thing._requiredProperties) else: return set()
[docs]def needsLazyEvaluation(thing): """Whether the given value requires lazy evaluation.""" return getattr(thing, "_needsLazyEval", False)
[docs]def dependencies(thing): """Dependencies which must be sampled before this value.""" return getattr(getattr(thing, "_conditioned", thing), "_dependencies", ())
[docs]def needsSampling(thing): """Whether this value requires sampling.""" return getattr(thing, "_needsSampling", False)
[docs]def isLazy(thing): """Whether this value requires either sampling or lazy evaluation.""" return getattr(thing, "_isLazy", False)