"""Objects representing propositions that can be used to specify conditions"""
from functools import reduce
import operator
from typing import List
import rv_ltl
from scenic.core.errors import InvalidScenarioError
from scenic.core.lazy_eval import needsLazyEvaluation
class PropositionMonitor:
def __init__(self, proposition: "PropositionNode") -> None:
self._proposition = proposition
self._monitor = proposition.ltl_node.create_monitor()
def update(self):
atomic_propositions = self._proposition.atomics()
state = {}
for ap in atomic_propositions:
b = ap.closure()
if needsLazyEvaluation(b):
raise InvalidScenarioError(
f"value undefined outside of object definition"
state[str(ap.syntax_id)] = b
return self._monitor.evaluate()
[docs]class PropositionNode:
"""Base class for temporal and non-temporal propositions"""
def __init__(self, ltl_node) -> None:
self.ltl_node = ltl_node
self.is_temporal = False
"""tells if the proposition is temporal"""
[docs] def check_constrains_sampling(self):
"""Checks if the proposition can be used for pruning.
A requirement can be used for pruning if it is evaluated on the scene generation phase before simulation, and
violation in that phase immediately results in discarding the scene and regenerating a new one.
For simplicity, we currently check two special cases:
1. requirements with no temporal requirement
2. requirements with only one always operator on top-level
bool: True if the requirement is one of the forms above. False otherwise.
node = self
# if always is on top-level, check what's inside
if isinstance(node, Always):
node = node.req
# eligible if none of the nodes was temporal
eligible = all(not n.is_temporal for n in node.flatten())
return eligible
def children(self) -> List["PropositionNode"]:
"""Returns all children of proposition tree.
list: proposition nodes that are directly under this node
return []
[docs] def flatten(self) -> List["PropositionNode"]:
"""Flattens the tree and return the list of nodes.
list: list of all children nodes
return [self] + reduce(
operator.concat, [node.flatten() for node in self.children], []
def atomics(self) -> List["Atomic"]:
return list(filter(lambda n: isinstance(n, Atomic), self.flatten()))
def create_monitor(self) -> rv_ltl.Monitor:
return PropositionMonitor(self)
def evaluate(self):
raise RuntimeError(
"This proposition contains temporal operators and can only be evaluated using monitor"
def has_temporal_operator(self):
node = self
has_temporal_op = any(n.is_temporal for n in node.flatten())
return has_temporal_op
class Atomic(PropositionNode):
def __init__(self, closure, syntax_id):
ap = rv_ltl.Atomic(identifier=str(syntax_id))
self.syntax_id = syntax_id
self.closure = closure
def __str__(self):
return (
f"(AP syntax_id={self.syntax_id})" if self.syntax_id is not None else "(AP)"
def evaluate(self):
return self.closure()
[docs]class UnaryProposition(PropositionNode):
"""Base class for temporal unary operators"""
def children(self):
return [self.req]
class Always(UnaryProposition):
def __init__(self, req: PropositionNode):
ltl_node = rv_ltl.Always(req.ltl_node)
self.req = req
self.is_temporal = True
def __str__(self):
return f"(Always {str(self.req)})"
class Eventually(UnaryProposition):
def __init__(self, req: PropositionNode):
ltl_node = rv_ltl.Eventually(req.ltl_node)
self.req = req
self.is_temporal = True
def __str__(self):
return f"(Eventually {str(self.req)})"
class Next(UnaryProposition):
def __init__(self, req: PropositionNode):
ltl_node = rv_ltl.Next(req.ltl_node)
self.req = req
self.is_temporal = True
def __str__(self):
return f"(Next {str(self.req)})"
class Not(UnaryProposition):
def __init__(self, req: PropositionNode):
ltl_node = rv_ltl.Not(req.ltl_node)
self.req = req
def __str__(self):
return f"(Not {str(self.req)})"
def evaluate(self):
return not self.req.evaluate()
class And(PropositionNode):
def __init__(self, reqs):
ltl_node = rv_ltl.And(*[req.ltl_node for req in reqs])
self.reqs = reqs
def __str__(self):
return " and ".join([f"{str(req)}" for req in self.reqs])
def children(self):
return self.reqs
def evaluate(self):
return reduce(operator.and_, [node.evaluate() for node in self.reqs], True)
class Or(PropositionNode):
def __init__(self, reqs):
ltl_node = rv_ltl.Or(*[req.ltl_node for req in reqs])
self.reqs = reqs
def __str__(self):
return " or ".join([f"{str(req)}" for req in self.reqs])
def children(self):
return self.reqs
def evaluate(self):
return reduce(operator.or_, [node.evaluate() for node in self.reqs], False)
class Until(PropositionNode):
def __init__(self, lhs, rhs) -> None:
self.lhs = lhs
self.rhs = rhs
ltl_node = rv_ltl.Until(lhs.ltl_node, rhs.ltl_node)
self.is_temporal = True
def __str__(self):
return f"({self.lhs} until {self.rhs})"
def children(self):
return [self.lhs, self.rhs]
class Implies(PropositionNode):
def __init__(self, lhs, rhs) -> None:
self.lhs = lhs
self.rhs = rhs
ltl_node = rv_ltl.Implies(lhs.ltl_node, rhs.ltl_node)
def __str__(self):
return f"({self.lhs} implies {self.rhs})"
def children(self):
return [self.lhs, self.rhs]