"""Support for hard and soft requirements."""
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import enum
from functools import reduce
import inspect
import itertools
import rv_ltl
import trimesh
from scenic.core.distributions import Samplable, needsSampling, toDistribution
from scenic.core.errors import InvalidScenarioError
from scenic.core.lazy_eval import needsLazyEvaluation
from scenic.core.propositions import Atomic, PropositionNode
import scenic.syntax.relations as relations
class RequirementType(enum.Enum):
# requirements which must hold during initial sampling
require = "require"
# requirements used only during simulation
monitor = "require monitor"
terminateWhen = "terminate when"
terminateSimulationWhen = "terminate simulation when"
# recorded values, which aren't requirements but are handled similarly
record = "record"
recordInitial = "record initial"
recordFinal = "record final"
def constrainsSampling(self):
return self in (self.require,)
class PendingRequirement:
def __init__(self, ty, condition, line, prob, name, ego):
self.ty = ty
self.condition = condition
self.line = line
self.prob = prob
self.name = name
# the translator wrapped the requirement in a lambda to prevent evaluation,
# so we need to save the current values of all referenced names; we save
# the ego object too since it can be referred to implicitly
# condition is an instance of Proposition. Flatten to get a list of atomic propositions.
atoms = condition.atomics()
self.globalBindings = {} # bindings to global/builtin names
self.closureBindings = {} # bindings to top-level closure variables
self.cells = [] # cells used in referenced closures
atomGlobals = None
for atom in atoms:
gbindings, cbindings, closures = getNameBindings(atom.closure)
for closure in closures:
globs = atom.closure.__globals__
if atomGlobals is not None:
assert globs is atomGlobals
atomGlobals = globs
self.egoObject = ego
def compile(self, namespace, scenario, syntax=None):
"""Create a closure testing the requirement in the correct runtime state.
While we're at it, determine whether the requirement implies any relations
we can use for pruning, and gather all of its dependencies.
globalBindings, closureBindings = self.globalBindings, self.closureBindings
cells, ego, line = self.cells, self.egoObject, self.line
condition, ty = self.condition, self.ty
# Convert bound values to distributions as needed
for name, value in globalBindings.items():
globalBindings[name] = toDistribution(value)
for name, value in closureBindings.items():
closureBindings[name] = toDistribution(value)
cells = tuple((cell, toDistribution(cell.cell_contents)) for cell in cells)
allBindings = dict(globalBindings)
# Check whether requirement implies any relations used for pruning
canPrune = condition.check_constrains_sampling()
if canPrune:
relations.inferRelationsFrom(syntax, allBindings, ego, line)
# Gather dependencies of the requirement
deps = set()
cellVals = (value for cell, value in cells)
for value in itertools.chain(allBindings.values(), cellVals):
if needsSampling(value):
if needsLazyEvaluation(value):
raise InvalidScenarioError(
f"{ty} on line {line} uses value {value}"
" undefined outside of object definition"
# If this requirement contains the CanSee specifier, we will need to sample all objects
# to meet the dependencies.
if "CanSee" in globalBindings:
if ego is not None:
assert isinstance(ego, Samplable)
# Construct closure
def closure(values, monitor=None):
# rebind any names referring to sampled objects (for require statements,
# rebind all names, since we want their values at the time the requirement
# was created)
# note: need to extract namespace here rather than close over value
# from above because of https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill/issues/532
namespace = condition.atomics()[0].closure.__globals__
for name, value in globalBindings.items():
if ty == RequirementType.require or value in values:
namespace[name] = values[value]
for cell, value in cells:
cell.cell_contents = values[value]
# rebind ego object, which can be referred to implicitly
boundEgo = None if ego is None else values[ego]
# evaluate requirement condition, reporting errors on the correct line
import scenic.syntax.veneer as veneer
with veneer.executeInRequirement(scenario, boundEgo, values):
if monitor is None:
# if not temporal evaluation
result = condition.evaluate()
# if temporal evaluation
result = monitor.update()
assert not needsSampling(result)
if needsLazyEvaluation(result):
raise InvalidScenarioError(
f"{ty} on line {line} uses value"
" undefined outside of object definition"
return result
return CompiledRequirement(self, closure, deps, condition)
[docs]def getNameBindings(req, restrictTo=None):
"""Find all names the given lambda depends on, along with their current bindings."""
namespace = req.__globals__
if restrictTo is not None and restrictTo is not namespace:
return {}, {}, ()
externals = inspect.getclosurevars(req)
globalBindings = externals.builtins
closures = set()
if externals.nonlocals:
def handleFunctions(bindings):
for value in bindings.values():
if inspect.isfunction(value):
if value.__closure__ is not None:
subglobs, _, _ = getNameBindings(value, restrictTo=namespace)
for name, value in subglobs.items():
if name in globalBindings:
assert value is globalBindings[name]
globalBindings[name] = value
return globalBindings, externals.nonlocals, closures
class BoundRequirement:
def __init__(self, compiledReq, sample, proposition):
self.ty = compiledReq.ty
self.closure = compiledReq.closure
self.line = compiledReq.line
self.name = compiledReq.name
self.sample = sample
self.compiledReq = compiledReq
self.proposition = proposition
def isTrue(self):
return self.value()
def value(self):
one_time_monitor = self.proposition.create_monitor()
return self.closure(self.sample, one_time_monitor)
def evaluate(self):
return self.closure(self.sample)
def __str__(self):
if self.name:
return self.name
return f'"{self.ty.value}" on line {self.line}'
def toMonitor(self):
return MonitorRequirement(self.compiledReq, self.sample, self.proposition)
[docs]class MonitorRequirement(BoundRequirement):
"""MonitorRequirement is a BoundRequirement with temporal proposition monitor"""
def __init__(self, compiledReq, sample, proposition):
super().__init__(compiledReq, sample, proposition)
self.monitor = self.proposition.create_monitor()
self.lastValue = rv_ltl.B4.TRUE
def value(self):
self.lastValue = self.closure(self.sample, self.monitor)
return self.lastValue
class DynamicRequirement:
def __init__(self, ty, condition, line, name=None):
self.ty = ty
self.line = line
self.name = name
import scenic.syntax.veneer as veneer
scenario = veneer.currentScenario
def closure(monitor=None):
with veneer.executeInScenario(scenario):
if monitor is None:
result = self.condition.evaluate()
result = monitor.update()
return result
self.closure = closure
self.condition = condition
def isTrue(self):
return self.value()
def value(self):
return self.closure()
def __str__(self):
if self.name:
return self.name
return f'"{self.ty.value}" on line {self.line}'
def toMonitor(self):
return DynamicMonitorRequirement(
self.closure, self.condition, self.line, self.name
class DynamicMonitorRequirement:
def __init__(self, closure, condition, line, name):
self.line = line
self.closure = closure
self.name = name
self.condition = condition
self.monitor = self.condition.create_monitor()
self.lastValue = rv_ltl.B4.TRUE
def isTrue(self):
return self.value()
def value(self):
self.lastValue = self.closure(self.monitor)
return self.lastValue
def evaluate(self):
return self.closure()
def __str__(self):
if self.name:
return self.name
return f'"{self.ty.value}" on line {self.line}'
## Builtin Requirements
[docs]class SamplingRequirement(ABC):
"""A requirement to be checked to validate a sample.
optional: Whether or not this requirement must be
checked to validate the sample. Optional samples
can be checked, and if ``False`` imply that the
sample is invalid, but do not need to be checked
if all non-optional requirements are satisfied.
def __init__(self, optional):
self.optional = optional
self.active = True
[docs] @abstractmethod
def falsifiedByInner(self, sample):
"""Returns False if the requirement is falsifed, True otherwise"""
def falsifiedBy(self, sample):
assert self.active
return self.falsifiedByInner(sample)
def violationMsg(self):
"""Message to be printed if the requirement is violated"""
class IntersectionRequirement(SamplingRequirement):
def __init__(self, objA, objB, optional=False):
self.objA = objA
self.objB = objB
def falsifiedByInner(self, sample):
objA = sample[self.objA]
objB = sample[self.objB]
if objA.allowCollisions or objB.allowCollisions:
return False
return objA.intersects(objB)
def violationMsg(self):
return f"Intersection violation: {self.objA} intersects {self.objB}"
class BlanketCollisionRequirement(SamplingRequirement):
def __init__(self, objects, optional=True):
self.objects = objects
self._collidingObjects = None
def falsifiedByInner(self, sample):
objects = tuple(sample[obj] for obj in self.objects)
cm = trimesh.collision.CollisionManager()
for i, obj in enumerate(objects):
if not obj.allowCollisions:
cm.add_object(str(i), obj.occupiedSpace.mesh)
collision, names = cm.in_collision_internal(return_names=True)
if collision:
self._collidingObjects = tuple(sorted(names))
return collision
def violationMsg(self):
assert self._collidingObjects is not None
objA_index, objB_index = map(int, self._collidingObjects[0])
objA, objB = self.objects[objA_index], self.objects[objB_index]
return f"Intersection violation: {objA} intersects {objB}"
class ContainmentRequirement(SamplingRequirement):
def __init__(self, obj, container, optional=False):
self.obj = obj
self.container = container
def falsifiedByInner(self, sample):
obj = sample[self.obj]
container = sample[self.container]
return not container.containsObject(obj)
def violationMsg(self):
return f"Containment violation: {self.obj} is not contained in its container"
class VisibilityRequirement(SamplingRequirement):
def __init__(self, source, target, objects, optional=False):
self.source = source
self.target = target
self.potential_occluders = tuple(
obj for obj in objects if obj is not self.source and obj is not self.target
def falsifiedByInner(self, sample):
source = sample[self.source]
target = sample[self.target]
potential_occluders = tuple(sample[obj] for obj in self.potential_occluders)
occluders = tuple(obj for obj in potential_occluders if obj.occluding)
return not source.canSee(target, occludingObjects=occluders)
def violationMsg(self):
return f"Visibility violation: {self.target} is not visible from {self.source}"
class NonVisibilityRequirement(VisibilityRequirement):
def falsifiedByInner(self, sample):
return not super().falsifiedByInner(sample)
def violationMsg(self):
return f"Non-visibility violation: {self.target} is visible from {self.source}"
class CompiledRequirement(SamplingRequirement):
def __init__(self, pendingReq, closure, dependencies, proposition):
self.ty = pendingReq.ty
self.closure = closure
self.line = pendingReq.line
self.name = pendingReq.name
self.prob = pendingReq.prob
self.dependencies = dependencies
self.proposition = proposition
def constrainsSampling(self):
return self.ty.constrainsSampling
def falsifiedByInner(self, sample):
one_time_monitor = self.proposition.create_monitor()
return self.closure(sample, one_time_monitor) == rv_ltl.B4.FALSE
def __str__(self):
if self.name:
return self.name
return f'"{self.ty.value}" on line {self.line}'
def violationMsg(self):
return f"User requirement violation: {self}"