"""Utilities to help serialize Scenic objects.
The functions in this module usually do not need to be used directly.
For high-level serialization APIs, see `Scenario.sceneToBytes`,
`Scenario.simulationToBytes`, and `Scene.dumpAsScenicCode`.
import io
import math
import pickle
import struct
import types
from scenic.core.distributions import Samplable, needsSampling
from scenic.core.utils import DefaultIdentityDict
[docs]def scenicToJSON(obj):
"""Utility function to help serialize Scenic objects to JSON.
Suitable for passing as the ``default`` argument to `json.dump`.
At the moment this only supports very basic types like scalars and vectors:
it does not allow encoding of an entire `Object`.
from scenic.core.vectors import Vector
if isinstance(obj, Vector):
return list(obj)
raise TypeError(f"Object of type {obj.__class__.__name__} is not JSON serializable")
## Scenic code
[docs]def dumpAsScenicCode(value, stream):
"""Utility function to help export Scenic objects as Scenic code."""
if hasattr(value, "dumpAsScenicCode"):
## Pickles
# If dill is installed, register some custom handlers to improve the pickling
# of Scene and Scenario objects.
import dill
except Exception:
_orig_save_module = dill.Pickler.dispatch[types.ModuleType]
def patched_save_module(pickler, obj):
# Save Scenic's internal modules by reference to avoid inconsistent versions
# as well as some unpicklable objects (and shrink the size of pickles while
# we're at it).
name = obj.__name__
if name == "scenic" or name.startswith("scenic."):
pickler.save_reduce(dill._dill._import_module, (name,), obj=obj)
_orig_save_module(pickler, obj)
## Binary serialization format
[docs]class SerializationError(Exception):
"""An error occurring during serialization/deserialization of Scenic objects."""
[docs]class Serializer:
"""Class for (de)serializing scenes, etc.
Ordinary Scenic users do not need to know about this class: they can use public
APIs such as `Scenario.sceneToBytes`. If you have defined a custom type of
`Distribution` whose **valueType** isn't one of the types used by the built-in
primitive distributions (i.e. `int`, `float`, `Vector`), read on.
The sampled value of a `Distribution` is encoded as follows:
1. If the `Distribution` is `_deterministic`, recursively encode the sampled
values of its dependencies.
2. If its *valueType* is a type for which we have a "codec" (like `int` or
`float`), use the encoding function provided by the codec.
3. If the *valueType* provides a ``encodeTo`` method, use that.
4. If the user has allowed the use of `pickle`, pickle the value.
5. Otherwise raise a `SerializationError`.
Thus, you need only extend the serialization mechanism if your `Distribution` cannot
be made deterministic (by adding appropriate dependencies with simpler valueTypes)
and it has an unusual **valueType**. In that case, it's best to have your **valueType**
implement ``encodeTo`` and ``decodeFrom`` methods: see `Vector` for example. If for
some reason you can't add those methods to the class in question, you can use
`Serializer.addCodec` to register encoder/decoder functions. Finally, if you're only
using serialization internally and aren't concerned about security issues or making
the encoding as compact as possible, you can turn on the **allowPickle** option: this
will use `pickle` to encode any objects for which no specialized encoder is known.
codecs = {}
def __init__(self, data=b"", allowPickle=False, detectEnd=False):
self.allowPickle = allowPickle
self.stream = data if isinstance(data, io.BufferedIOBase) else io.BytesIO(data)
if detectEnd:
self.stream = io.BufferedReader(self.stream)
self.seenObjs = set()
def getBytes(self):
return self.stream.getvalue()
def atEnd(self):
return not self.stream.peek(1)
[docs] def writeScene(self, scenario, scene):
"""Serialize a `Scene`."""
version = struct.pack("<H", self.sceneFormatVersion())
assert len(scenario.astHash) == 4
optionsHash = scenario.compileOptions.hash
assert len(optionsHash) == 4
self.writeSample(scenario.dependencies, scene.sample)
def readScene(self, scenario, verify=True):
versionField = self.stream.read(2)
if len(versionField) != 2:
raise SerializationError("serialized Scene is corrupted")
version = struct.unpack("<H", versionField)[0]
if version != self.sceneFormatVersion():
raise SerializationError(
"cannot read serialized Scene from " "a different Scenic version"
astHash = self.stream.read(4)
if verify and astHash != scenario.astHash:
raise SerializationError(
"serialized Scene does not correspond to this Scenario"
optionsHash = self.stream.read(4)
if verify and optionsHash != scenario.compileOptions.hash:
raise SerializationError(
"serialized Scene used different compile options " "than this Scenario"
sample = self.readSample(scenario.dependencies)
scene = scenario._makeSceneFromSample(sample)
return scene
def writeSample(self, objects, values):
for obj in objects:
self.writeSamplable(obj, values)
def readSample(self, objects):
values = DefaultIdentityDict()
for obj in objects:
self.readSamplable(obj, values)
return values
def writeSamplable(self, obj, values):
if not needsSampling(obj):
return # value is not random, so no need to encode
i = id(obj)
if i not in self.seenObjs:
obj.serializeValue(values, self)
def readSamplable(self, obj, values):
if not needsSampling(obj):
if obj not in values:
values[obj] = obj.deserializeValue(self, values)
def readReplayHeader(self):
versionField = self.stream.read(2)
if len(versionField) != 2:
raise SerializationError("replay is corrupted")
version = struct.unpack("<H", versionField)[0]
if version != self.replayFormatVersion():
raise SerializationError("cannot read replay from a different Scenic version")
flagsField = self.stream.read(4)
if len(flagsField) != 4:
raise SerializationError("replay is corrupted")
flags = struct.unpack("<I", flagsField)[0]
return flags
[docs] @classmethod
def addCodec(cls, ty, encoder, decoder):
"""Register encoder and decoder functions for the given type.
The encoder function should have signature :samp:`encoder({value}, {stream})`
with *stream* a :term:`binary file-like object <binary file>`. The decoder
function should have signature :samp:`decoder({stream})` and return the decoded
if ty in cls.codecs:
raise ValueError(f"Serializer already has a codec for type {ty}")
cls.codecs[ty] = (encoder, decoder)
[docs] def writeValue(self, value, ty):
"""Serialize a value of the given type."""
if ty in self.codecs:
encoder, decoder = self.codecs[ty]
encoder(value, self.stream)
elif hasattr(ty, "encodeTo"):
ty.encodeTo(value, self.stream)
elif self.allowPickle:
pickle.dump(value, self.stream)
except Exception as e:
raise SerializationError(
f"failed to serialize object of type {ty.__name__}"
) from e
# No known method of serialization
raise SerializationError(f"{ty.__name__} type does not implement serialization")
def readValue(self, ty):
if ty in self.codecs:
encoder, decoder = self.codecs[ty]
return decoder(self.stream)
elif hasattr(ty, "encodeTo"):
return ty.decodeFrom(self.stream)
elif self.allowPickle:
return pickle.load(self.stream)
except Exception as e:
raise SerializationError(
f"failed to deserialize object of type {ty.__name__}"
) from e
# No known method of deserialization
raise SerializationError(f"{ty.__name__} type does not implement serialization")
# Encoder/decoder functions for various types
def _writeNone(value, stream):
def _readNone(stream):
return None
Serializer.addCodec(type(None), _writeNone, _readNone)
def writeFloat(value, stream):
stream.write(struct.pack("<d", value))
def readFloat(stream):
return struct.unpack("<d", stream.read(8))[0]
Serializer.addCodec(float, writeFloat, readFloat)
def writeInt(value, stream):
# Optimize for small nonnegative integers, which commonly arise from Options
if 0 <= value <= 252:
elif -32768 <= value <= 32767:
stream.write(value.to_bytes(length=2, byteorder="little", signed=True))
elif -2147483648 <= value <= 2147483647:
stream.write(value.to_bytes(length=4, byteorder="little", signed=True))
length = max(1, math.ceil((value.bit_length() + 1) / 8)) # +1 for sign
if length >= 256:
raise SerializationError(
"cannot serialize integers with >600 digits"
" (what is this, cryptography?)"
stream.write(value.to_bytes(length=length, byteorder="little", signed=True))
def readInt(stream):
first = stream.read(1)[0]
if first <= 252:
return first
elif first == 253:
return int.from_bytes(stream.read(2), byteorder="little", signed=True)
elif first == 254:
return int.from_bytes(stream.read(4), byteorder="little", signed=True)
length = stream.read(1)[0]
return int.from_bytes(stream.read(length), byteorder="little", signed=True)
Serializer.addCodec(int, writeInt, readInt)
def writeBool(value, stream):
writeInt(value, stream)
def readBool(stream):
return bool(readInt(stream))
Serializer.addCodec(bool, writeBool, readBool)
def writeBytes(value, stream):
writeInt(len(value), stream)
def readBytes(stream):
length = readInt(stream)
return stream.read(length)
Serializer.addCodec(bytes, writeBytes, readBytes)
def writeStr(value, stream):
encoded = value.encode()
writeBytes(encoded, stream)
def readStr(stream):
encoded = readBytes(stream)
return encoded.decode()
Serializer.addCodec(str, writeStr, readStr)