"""Assorted utility functions."""
import bz2
import collections
from contextlib import contextmanager
import functools
import itertools
import math
import os
import signal
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
import sys
import typing
import warnings
import weakref
import numpy
import trimesh
sqrt2 = math.sqrt(2)
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
from itertools import batched
def batched(iterable, n):
if n < 1:
raise ValueError("n must be at least one")
it = iter(iterable)
while batch := tuple(itertools.islice(it, n)):
yield batch
[docs]def cached(oldMethod):
"""Decorator for making a method with no arguments cache its result"""
storageName = f"_cached_{oldMethod.__name__}"
def wrapper(self):
# Use __getattribute__ for direct lookup in case self is a Distribution
return self.__getattribute__(storageName)
except AttributeError:
value = oldMethod(self)
setattr(self, storageName, value)
return value
def clearer(self):
delattr(self, storageName)
except AttributeError:
wrapper._scenic_cache_clearer = clearer
return wrapper
_methodCaches = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
[docs]def cached_method(oldMethod):
"""Decorator for making a method cache its result on a per-object basis.
Like ``functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)`` except using a separate cache
for each object, with the cache automatically deallocated when the object
is garbage collected.
name = oldMethod.__name__
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
caches = _methodCaches.get(self, collections.defaultdict(dict))
cachedMethod = caches.get(name)
if cachedMethod is None:
cachedMethod = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)(oldMethod)
caches[name] = cachedMethod
return cachedMethod(self, *args, **kwargs)
def clearer(self):
caches = _methodCaches.get(self, collections.defaultdict(dict))
cachedMethod = caches.get(name)
if cachedMethod:
wrapper._scenic_cache_clearer = clearer
return wrapper
def cached_property(oldMethod):
return property(cached(oldMethod))
def argsToString(args, kwargs={}):
args = ", ".join(repr(arg) for arg in args)
kwargs = ", ".join(f"{name}={value!r}" for name, value in kwargs.items())
parts = []
if args:
if kwargs:
return ", ".join(parts)
def alarm(seconds, handler=None, noNesting=False):
if seconds <= 0 or not hasattr(signal, "SIGALRM"): # SIGALRM not supported on Windows
if handler is None:
handler = signal.SIG_IGN
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler)
if noNesting:
assert oldHandler is signal.SIG_DFL, "SIGALRM handler already installed"
length = int(math.ceil(seconds))
previous = signal.alarm(length)
if noNesting:
assert previous == 0, 'nested call to "alarm"'
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_DFL)
[docs]def unifyMesh(mesh, verbose=False):
"""Attempt to merge mesh bodies, raising a `ValueError` if something fails.
Should only be used with meshes that are volumes.
If a mesh is composed of multiple bodies, the following process
is applied:
1. Split mesh into volumes and holes.
2. From each volume, subtract each hole that is fully contained.
3. Union all the resulting volumes.
assert mesh.is_volume
# No need to unify a mesh with less than 2 bodies
if mesh.body_count < 2:
return mesh
mesh_bodies = mesh.split()
if all(m.is_volume for m in mesh_bodies):
# If all mesh bodies are volumes, we can just return the union.
unified_mesh = trimesh.boolean.union(mesh_bodies)
# Split the mesh bodies into volumes and holes.
volumes = []
holes = []
for m in mesh_bodies:
if m.is_volume:
assert m.is_volume
# For each volume, subtract all holes fully contained in the volume,
# keeping track of which holes are fully contained in at least one solid.
differenced_volumes = []
contained_holes = set()
for v in volumes:
for h in filter(lambda h: h.volume < v.volume, holes):
if h.difference(v).is_empty:
v = v.difference(h)
# If one or more holes was not fully contained (and thus ignored),
# raise a warning.
if verbose:
if contained_holes != set(holes):
"One or more holes in the provided mesh was not fully contained"
" in any solid (and was ignored)."
# Union all the differenced volumes together.
unified_mesh = trimesh.boolean.union(differenced_volumes)
# Check that the output is still a valid mesh
if unified_mesh.is_volume:
if verbose:
if unified_mesh.body_count == 1:
"The mesh that you loaded was composed of multiple bodies,"
" but Scenic was able to unify it into one single body (though"
" you should verify that the result is correct). To save on compile"
" time in the future, consider running unifyMesh on your mesh outside"
" of Scenic and using that output instead."
elif unified_mesh.body_count < mesh.body_count:
"The mesh that you loaded was composed of multiple bodies,"
" but Scenic was able to unify it into fewer bodies (though"
" you should verify that the result is correct). To save on compile"
" time in the future, consider running unifyMesh on your mesh outside"
" of Scenic and using that output instead."
return unified_mesh
raise ValueError("Unable to unify mesh.")
[docs]def repairMesh(mesh, pitch=(1 / 2) ** 6, verbose=True):
"""Attempt to repair a mesh, returning a proper 2-manifold.
Repair is attempted via several steps, each sacrificing more accuracy
but with a higher chance of returning a proper volumetric mesh.
Repair is first attempted with easy fixes, like merging vertices and fixing
winding. These will usually not deteriorate the quality of the mesh.
Repair is then attempted by voxelizing the mesh, filling it, and then running
marching cubes on the mesh. This approach is somewhat accurate but always
produces solid objects. (This is to be expected since non watertight hollow
objects aren't well defined).
Repair is finally attempted by using the convex hull, which is unlikely to
be accurate but is guaranteed to result in a volume.
NOTE: For planar meshes, this function will throw an error.
mesh: The input mesh to be repaired.
pitch: The target pitch to be used when attempting to repair the mesh via
voxelization. A lower pitch uses smaller voxels, and thus a closer
approximation, but can require significant additional processsing time.
The actual pitch used may be larger if needed to get a manifold mesh.
verbose: Whether or not to print warnings describing attempts to repair the mesh.
# If mesh is already a volume, we're done.
if mesh.is_volume:
return mesh
# If mesh is planar, we can't fix it.
if numpy.any(mesh.extents == 0):
raise ValueError("repairMesh is undefined for planar meshes.")
# Pitch must be positive
if pitch <= 0:
raise ValueError("pitch parameter must be positive.")
## Trimesh Processing ##
processed_mesh = mesh.process(validate=True, merge_tex=True, merge_norm=True).copy()
if processed_mesh.is_volume:
if verbose:
warnings.warn("Mesh was repaired via Trimesh process function.")
return processed_mesh
if verbose:
"Mesh could not be repaired via Trimesh process function."
" attempting voxelization + marching cubes."
## Voxelization + Marching Cubes ##
# Extract largest dimension and scale so that it is unit length
dims = numpy.abs(processed_mesh.extents)
position = processed_mesh.bounding_box.center_mass
scale = numpy.max(dims)
processed_mesh.vertices -= position
scale_matrix = numpy.eye(4)
scale_matrix[:3, :3] /= scale
# Compute new mesh with largest possible pitch
curr_pitch = pitch
while curr_pitch < 1:
new_mesh = processed_mesh.voxelized(pitch=curr_pitch).fill().marching_cubes
if new_mesh.is_volume:
if verbose:
f"Mesh was repaired via voxelization + marching cubes"
f" with pitch {curr_pitch}. Check the output to ensure it"
f" looks reasonable."
# Center new mesh
new_mesh.vertices -= new_mesh.bounding_box.center_mass
# Rescale mesh to original size
orig_scale = new_mesh.extents / dims
scale_matrix = numpy.eye(4)
scale_matrix[:3, :3] /= orig_scale
# # Return mesh center to original position
new_mesh.vertices += position
return new_mesh
curr_pitch *= 2
raise ValueError("Mesh could not be repaired.")
[docs]class DefaultIdentityDict:
"""Dictionary which is the identity map by default.
The map works on all objects, even unhashable ones, but doesn't support all
of the standard mapping operations.
def __init__(self):
self.storage = {}
def clear(self):
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.storage.get(id(key), key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.storage[id(key)] = value
def __contains__(self, key):
return id(key) in self.storage
def __repr__(self):
pairs = (f"{hex(key)}: {value!r}" for key, value in self.storage.items())
allPairs = ", ".join(pairs)
return f"<DefaultIdentityDict {{{allPairs}}}>"
# Patched version of typing.get_type_hints fixing bpo-37838
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8, 1) or (
sys.version_info < (3, 8) and sys.version_info >= (3, 7, 6)
get_type_hints = typing.get_type_hints
import types
def get_type_hints(obj, globalns=None, localns=None):
if not isinstance(obj, (type, types.ModuleType)) and globalns is None:
wrapped = obj
while hasattr(wrapped, "__wrapped__"):
wrapped = wrapped.__wrapped__
globalns = getattr(wrapped, "__globals__", {})
return typing.get_type_hints(obj, globalns, localns)