"""Library of useful behaviors for dynamic agents in driving scenarios.
These behaviors are automatically imported when using the driving domain.
import math
from scenic.domains.driving.actions import *
import scenic.domains.driving.model as _model
from scenic.domains.driving.roads import ManeuverType
def concatenateCenterlines(centerlines=[]):
return PolylineRegion.unionAll(centerlines)
behavior ConstantThrottleBehavior(x):
while True:
take SetThrottleAction(x), SetReverseAction(False), SetHandBrakeAction(False)
behavior DriveAvoidingCollisions(target_speed=25, avoidance_threshold=10):
do FollowLaneBehavior(target_speed=target_speed)
interrupt when self.distanceToClosest(_model.Vehicle) <= avoidance_threshold:
take SetThrottleAction(0), SetBrakeAction(1)
behavior AccelerateForwardBehavior():
take SetReverseAction(False), SetHandBrakeAction(False), SetThrottleAction(0.5)
[docs]behavior WalkForwardBehavior():
"""Walk forward behavior for pedestrians.
It will uniformly randomly choose either end of the sidewalk that the pedestrian is on, and have the pedestrian walk towards the endpoint.
current_sidewalk = _model.network.sidewalkAt(self.position)
end_point = Uniform(*current_sidewalk.centerline.points)
end_vec = end_point[0] @ end_point[1]
normal_vec = Vector.normalized(end_vec)
take WalkTowardsAction(goal_position=normal_vec), SetSpeedAction(speed=1)
behavior ConstantThrottleBehavior(x):
take SetThrottleAction(x)
[docs]behavior FollowLaneBehavior(target_speed = 10, laneToFollow=None, is_oppositeTraffic=False):
Follow's the lane on which the vehicle is at, unless the laneToFollow is specified.
Once the vehicle reaches an intersection, by default, the vehicle will take the straight route.
If straight route is not available, then any availble turn route will be taken, uniformly randomly.
If turning at the intersection, the vehicle will slow down to make the turn, safely.
This behavior does not terminate. A recommended use of the behavior is to accompany it with condition,
e.g. do FollowLaneBehavior() until ...
:param target_speed: Its unit is in m/s. By default, it is set to 10 m/s
:param laneToFollow: If the lane to follow is different from the lane that the vehicle is on, this parameter can be used to specify that lane. By default, this variable will be set to None, which means that the vehicle will follow the lane that it is currently on.
past_steer_angle = 0
past_speed = 0 # making an assumption here that the agent starts from zero speed
if laneToFollow is None:
current_lane = self.lane
current_lane = laneToFollow
current_centerline = current_lane.centerline
in_turning_lane = False # assumption that the agent is not instantiated within a connecting lane
intersection_passed = False
entering_intersection = False # assumption that the agent is not instantiated within an intersection
end_lane = None
original_target_speed = target_speed
if current_lane.maneuvers != ():
nearby_intersection = current_lane.maneuvers[0].intersection
if nearby_intersection == None:
nearby_intersection = current_lane.centerline[-1]
nearby_intersection = current_lane.centerline[-1]
# instantiate longitudinal and lateral controllers
_lon_controller, _lat_controller = simulation().getLaneFollowingControllers(self)
while True:
if self.speed is not None:
current_speed = self.speed
current_speed = past_speed
if not entering_intersection and (distance from self.position to nearby_intersection) < TRIGGER_DISTANCE_TO_SLOWDOWN:
entering_intersection = True
intersection_passed = False
straight_manuevers = filter(lambda i: i.type == ManeuverType.STRAIGHT, current_lane.maneuvers)
if len(straight_manuevers) > 0:
select_maneuver = Uniform(*straight_manuevers)
if len(current_lane.maneuvers) > 0:
select_maneuver = Uniform(*current_lane.maneuvers)
take SetBrakeAction(1.0)
# assumption: there always will be a maneuver
if select_maneuver.connectingLane != None:
current_centerline = concatenateCenterlines([current_centerline, select_maneuver.connectingLane.centerline, \
current_centerline = concatenateCenterlines([current_centerline, select_maneuver.endLane.centerline])
current_lane = select_maneuver.endLane
end_lane = current_lane
if current_lane.maneuvers != ():
nearby_intersection = current_lane.maneuvers[0].intersection
if nearby_intersection == None:
nearby_intersection = current_lane.centerline[-1]
nearby_intersection = current_lane.centerline[-1]
if select_maneuver.type != ManeuverType.STRAIGHT:
in_turning_lane = True
do TurnBehavior(trajectory = current_centerline)
if (end_lane is not None) and (self.position in end_lane) and not intersection_passed:
intersection_passed = True
in_turning_lane = False
entering_intersection = False
target_speed = original_target_speed
_lon_controller, _lat_controller = simulation().getLaneFollowingControllers(self)
nearest_line_points = current_centerline.nearestSegmentTo(self.position)
nearest_line_segment = PolylineRegion(nearest_line_points)
cte = nearest_line_segment.signedDistanceTo(self.position)
if is_oppositeTraffic:
cte = -cte
speed_error = target_speed - current_speed
# compute throttle : Longitudinal Control
throttle = _lon_controller.run_step(speed_error)
# compute steering : Lateral Control
current_steer_angle = _lat_controller.run_step(cte)
take RegulatedControlAction(throttle, current_steer_angle, past_steer_angle)
past_steer_angle = current_steer_angle
past_speed = current_speed
[docs]behavior FollowTrajectoryBehavior(target_speed = 10, trajectory = None, turn_speed=None):
Follows the given trajectory. The behavior terminates once the end of the trajectory is reached.
:param target_speed: Its unit is in m/s. By default, it is set to 10 m/s
:param trajectory: It is a list of sequential lanes to track, from the lane that the vehicle is initially on to the lane it should end up on.
assert trajectory is not None
assert isinstance(trajectory, list)
if turn_speed is None:
turn_speed = target_speed / 2
brakeIntensity = 1.0
distanceToEndpoint = 5 # meters
traj_centerline = [traj.centerline for traj in trajectory]
trajectory_centerline = concatenateCenterlines(traj_centerline)
# instantiate longitudinal and lateral controllers
_lon_controller,_lat_controller = simulation().getLaneFollowingControllers(self)
past_steer_angle = 0
if trajectory[-1].maneuvers:
end_intersection = trajectory[-1].maneuvers[0].intersection
if end_intersection == None:
end_intersection = trajectory[-1].centerline[-1]
end_intersection = trajectory[-1].centerline[-1]
while True:
if self in _model.network.intersectionRegion:
do TurnBehavior(trajectory_centerline, target_speed=turn_speed)
if (distance from self to end_intersection) < distanceToEndpoint:
if self.speed is not None:
current_speed = self.speed
current_speed = 0
cte = trajectory_centerline.signedDistanceTo(self.position)
speed_error = target_speed - current_speed
# compute throttle : Longitudinal Control
throttle = _lon_controller.run_step(speed_error)
# compute steering : Latitudinal Control
current_steer_angle = _lat_controller.run_step(cte)
take RegulatedControlAction(throttle, current_steer_angle, past_steer_angle)
past_steer_angle = current_steer_angle
[docs]behavior TurnBehavior(trajectory, target_speed=6):
This behavior uses a controller specifically tuned for turning at an intersection.
This behavior is only operational within an intersection,
it will terminate if the vehicle is outside of an intersection.
if isinstance(trajectory, PolylineRegion):
trajectory_centerline = trajectory
trajectory_centerline = concatenateCenterlines([traj.centerline for traj in trajectory])
# instantiate longitudinal and lateral controllers
_lon_controller, _lat_controller = simulation().getTurningControllers(self)
past_steer_angle = 0
while self in _model.network.intersectionRegion:
if self.speed is not None:
current_speed = self.speed
current_speed = 0
cte = trajectory_centerline.signedDistanceTo(self.position)
speed_error = target_speed - current_speed
# compute throttle : Longitudinal Control
throttle = _lon_controller.run_step(speed_error)
# compute steering : Latitudinal Control
current_steer_angle = _lat_controller.run_step(cte)
take RegulatedControlAction(throttle, current_steer_angle, past_steer_angle)
past_steer_angle = current_steer_angle
[docs]behavior LaneChangeBehavior(laneSectionToSwitch, is_oppositeTraffic=False, target_speed=10):
is_oppositeTraffic should be specified as True only if the laneSectionToSwitch to has
the opposite traffic direction to the initial lane from which the vehicle started LaneChangeBehavior
e.g. refer to the use of this flag in examples/carla/Carla_Challenge/carlaChallenge6.scenic
brakeIntensity = 1.0
distanceToEndpoint = 3 # meters
current_lane = laneSectionToSwitch.lane
traj_centerline = [current_lane.centerline]
trajectory_centerline = concatenateCenterlines(traj_centerline)
if current_lane.maneuvers != ():
nearby_intersection = current_lane.maneuvers[0].intersection
if nearby_intersection == None:
nearby_intersection = current_lane.centerline[-1]
nearby_intersection = current_lane.centerline[-1]
# instantiate longitudinal and lateral controllers
_lon_controller, _lat_controller = simulation().getLaneChangingControllers(self)
past_steer_angle = 0
if not is_oppositeTraffic:
traj_endpoint = current_lane.centerline[-1]
traj_endpoint = current_lane.centerline[0]
while True:
if abs(trajectory_centerline.signedDistanceTo(self.position)) < 0.1:
if (distance from self to nearby_intersection) < distanceToEndpoint:
straight_manuevers = filter(lambda i: i.type == ManeuverType.STRAIGHT, current_lane.maneuvers)
if len(straight_manuevers) > 0:
select_maneuver = Uniform(*straight_manuevers)
if len(current_lane.maneuvers) > 0:
select_maneuver = Uniform(*current_lane.maneuvers)
take SetBrakeAction(1.0)
# assumption: there always will be a maneuver
if select_maneuver.connectingLane != None:
trajectory_centerline = concatenateCenterlines([trajectory_centerline, select_maneuver.connectingLane.centerline, \
trajectory_centerline = concatenateCenterlines([trajectory_centerline, select_maneuver.endLane.centerline])
current_lane = select_maneuver.endLane
if self.speed is not None:
current_speed = self.speed
current_speed = 0
cte = trajectory_centerline.signedDistanceTo(self.position)
if is_oppositeTraffic: # [bypass] when crossing over the yellowline to opposite traffic lane
cte = -cte
speed_error = target_speed - current_speed
# compute throttle : Longitudinal Control
throttle = _lon_controller.run_step(speed_error)
# compute steering : Latitudinal Control
current_steer_angle = _lat_controller.run_step(cte)
take RegulatedControlAction(throttle, current_steer_angle, past_steer_angle)
past_steer_angle = current_steer_angle