Source code for scenic.simulators.carla.actions

"""Actions for dynamic agents in CARLA scenarios."""

import math as _math

import carla as _carla

from import *
import scenic.simulators.carla.utils.utils as _utils

# Actions available to all carla.Actor objects #

SetLocationAction = SetPositionAction  # TODO refactor

class SetAngularVelocityAction(Action):
    def __init__(self, angularVel):
        self.angularVel = angularVel

    def applyTo(self, obj, sim):
        xAngularVel = self.angularVel * _math.cos(obj.heading)
        yAngularVel = self.angularVel * _math.sin(obj.heading)
        newAngularVel = _utils.scalarToCarlaVector3D(xAngularVel, yAngularVel)

class SetTransformAction(Action):  # TODO eliminate
    def __init__(self, pos, heading):
        self.pos = pos
        self.heading = heading

    def applyTo(self, obj, sim):
        loc = _utils.scenicToCarlaLocation(self.pos, z=obj.elevation)
        rot = _utils.scenicToCarlaRotation(self.heading)
        transform = _carla.Transform(loc, rot)

# Actions specific to carla.Vehicle objects #

class _CarlaVehicle:
    # Mixin identifying CARLA vehicles.
    # Used to avoid importing the Vehicle class from the CARLA model, which is
    # a Scenic module not importable from Python.

class VehicleAction(Action):
    def canBeTakenBy(self, agent):
        return isinstance(agent, _CarlaVehicle)

class SetManualGearShiftAction(VehicleAction):
    def __init__(self, manualGearShift):
        if not isinstance(manualGearShift, bool):
            raise RuntimeError("Manual gear shift must be a boolean.")
        self.manualGearShift = manualGearShift

    def applyTo(self, obj, sim):
        vehicle = obj.carlaActor
        ctrl = vehicle.get_control()
        ctrl.manual_gear_shift = self.manualGearShift

class SetGearAction(VehicleAction):
    def __init__(self, gear):
        if not isinstance(gear, int):
            raise RuntimeError("Gear must be an int.")
        self.gear = gear

    def applyTo(self, obj, sim):
        vehicle = obj.carlaActor
        ctrl = vehicle.get_control()
        ctrl.gear = self.gear

class SetManualFirstGearShiftAction(VehicleAction):  # TODO eliminate
    def applyTo(self, obj, sim):
        ctrl = _carla.VehicleControl(manual_gear_shift=True, gear=1)

[docs]class SetTrafficLightAction(VehicleAction): """Set the traffic light to desired color. It will only take effect if the car is within a given distance of the traffic light. Arguments: color: the string red/yellow/green/off/unknown distance: the maximum distance to search for traffic lights from the current position """ def __init__(self, color, distance=100, group=False): self.color = _utils.scenicToCarlaTrafficLightStatus(color) if color is None: raise RuntimeError("Color must be red/yellow/green/off/unknown.") self.distance = distance def applyTo(self, obj, sim): traffic_light = obj._getClosestTrafficLight(self.distance) if traffic_light is not None: traffic_light.set_state(self.color)
class SetAutopilotAction(VehicleAction): def __init__(self, enabled): if not isinstance(enabled, bool): raise RuntimeError("Enabled must be a boolean.") self.enabled = enabled def applyTo(self, obj, sim): vehicle = obj.carlaActor vehicle.set_autopilot(self.enabled,
[docs]class SetVehicleLightStateAction(VehicleAction): """Set the vehicle lights' states. Arguments: vehicleLightState: Which lights are on. """ def __init__(self, vehicleLightState): self.vehicleLightState = vehicleLightState def applyTo(self, obj, sim): obj.carlaActor.set_light_state(self.vehicleLightState)
################################################# # Actions available to all carla.Walker objects # ################################################# class _CarlaPedestrian: # Mixin identifying CARLA pedestrians. (see _CarlaVehicle) pass class PedestrianAction(Action): def canBeTakenBy(self, agent): return isinstance(agent, _CarlaPedestrian) class SetJumpAction(PedestrianAction): def __init__(self, jump): if not isinstance(jump, bool): raise RuntimeError("Jump must be a boolean.") self.jump = jump def applyTo(self, obj, sim): walker = obj.carlaActor ctrl = walker.get_control() ctrl.jump = self.jump walker.apply_control(ctrl) class SetWalkAction(PedestrianAction): def __init__(self, enabled, maxSpeed=1.4): if not isinstance(enabled, bool): raise RuntimeError("Enabled must be a boolean.") self.enabled = enabled self.maxSpeed = maxSpeed def applyTo(self, obj, sim): controller = obj.carlaController if self.enabled: controller.start() controller.go_to_location( controller.set_max_speed(self.maxSpeed) else: controller.stop() class TrackWaypointsAction(Action): def __init__(self, waypoints, cruising_speed=10): self.waypoints = np.array(waypoints) self.curr_index = 1 self.cruising_speed = cruising_speed def canBeTakenBy(self, agent): # return agent.lgsvlAgentType is lgsvl.AgentType.EGO return True def LQR(v_target, wheelbase, Q, R): A = np.matrix([[0, v_target * (5.0 / 18.0)], [0, 0]]) B = np.matrix([[0], [(v_target / wheelbase) * (5.0 / 18.0)]]) V = np.matrix(linalg.solve_continuous_are(A, B, Q, R)) K = np.matrix(linalg.inv(R) * (B.T * V)) return K def applyTo(self, obj, sim): carlaObj = obj.carlaActor transform = carlaObj.get_transform() pos = transform.location rot = transform.rotation velocity = carlaObj.get_velocity() th, x, y, v = ( rot.y / 180.0 * np.pi, pos.x, pos.z, (velocity.x**2 + velocity.z**2) ** 0.5, ) # print('state:', th, x, y, v) PREDICTIVE_LENGTH = 3 MIN_SPEED = 1 WHEEL_BASE = 3 v = max(MIN_SPEED, v) x = x + PREDICTIVE_LENGTH * np.cos(-th + np.pi / 2) y = y + PREDICTIVE_LENGTH * np.sin(-th + np.pi / 2) # print('car front:', x, y) dists = np.linalg.norm(self.waypoints - np.array([x, y]), axis=1) dist_pos = np.argpartition(dists, 1) index = dist_pos[0] if index > self.curr_index and index < len(self.waypoints) - 1: self.curr_index = index p1, p2, p3 = ( self.waypoints[self.curr_index - 1], self.waypoints[self.curr_index], self.waypoints[self.curr_index + 1], ) p1_a = np.linalg.norm(p1 - np.array([x, y])) p3_a = np.linalg.norm(p3 - np.array([x, y])) p1_p2 = np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2) p3_p2 = np.linalg.norm(p3 - p2) if p1_a - p1_p2 > p3_a - p3_p2: p1 = p2 p2 = p3 # print('points:',p1, p2) x1, y1, x2, y2 = p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1] th_n = -math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) + np.pi / 2 d_th = (th - th_n + 3 * np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi d_x = (x2 - x1) * y - (y2 - y1) * x + y2 * x1 - y1 * x2 d_x /= np.linalg.norm(np.array([x1, y1]) - np.array([x2, y2])) # print('d_th, d_x:',d_th, d_x) K = TrackWaypoints.LQR( v, WHEEL_BASE, np.array([[1, 0], [0, 3]]), np.array([[10]]) ) u = -K * np.matrix([[-d_x], [d_th]]) u = np.double(u) u_steering = min(max(u, -1), 1) K = 1 u = -K * (v - self.cruising_speed) u_thrust = min(max(u, -1), 1) # print('u:', u_thrust, u_steering) ctrl = carlaObj.get_control() ctrl.steering = u_steering if u_thrust > 0: ctrl.throttle = u_thrust elif u_thrust < 0.1: ctrl.braking = -u_thrust carlaObj.apply_control(ctrl)