Source code for scenic.syntax.compiler

import ast
from copy import copy
from enum import IntFlag, auto
import itertools
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union

from scenic.core.errors import ScenicParseError, getText
import scenic.syntax.ast as s

# exposed functions

[docs]def compileScenicAST( scenicAST: ast.AST, *, filename: str = "<unknown>", inBehavior: bool = False, inMonitor: bool = False, inCompose: bool = False, inSetup: bool = False, inInterruptBlock: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Union[ast.AST, List[ast.AST]], List[ast.AST]]: """Compiles Scenic AST to Python AST""" compiler = ScenicToPythonTransformer(filename) # set optional flags compiler.inBehavior = inBehavior compiler.inMonitor = inMonitor compiler.inCompose = inCompose compiler.inSetup = inSetup compiler.inInterruptBlock = inInterruptBlock tree = compiler.visit(scenicAST) if isinstance(tree, list): node = [ast.fix_missing_locations(n) for n in tree] else: node = ast.fix_missing_locations(tree) return node, compiler.requirements
# constants temporaryName = "_Scenic_temporary_name" behaviorArgName = "_Scenic_current_behavior" checkPreconditionsName = "checkPreconditions" checkInvariantsName = "checkInvariants" interruptPrefix = "_Scenic_interrupt" abortFlag = ast.Attribute(ast.Name("BlockConclusion", ast.Load()), "ABORT", ast.Load()) breakFlag = ast.Attribute(ast.Name("BlockConclusion", ast.Load()), "BREAK", ast.Load()) continueFlag = ast.Attribute( ast.Name("BlockConclusion", ast.Load()), "CONTINUE", ast.Load() ) returnFlag = ast.Attribute(ast.Name("BlockConclusion", ast.Load()), "RETURN", ast.Load()) finishedFlag = ast.Attribute( ast.Name("BlockConclusion", ast.Load()), "FINISHED", ast.Load() ) trackedNames = {"ego", "workspace"} globalParametersName = "globalParameters" builtinNames = {globalParametersName, "str", "int", "float"} # shorthands for convenience loadCtx = ast.Load() ego = ast.Name("ego") noArgs = ast.arguments( posonlyargs=[], args=[], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[], ) selfArg = ast.arguments( posonlyargs=[], args=[ast.arg(arg="self", annotation=None)], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[], ) initialBehaviorArgs = [ ast.arg(arg=behaviorArgName, annotation=None), ast.arg(arg="self", annotation=None), ] onlyBehaviorArgs = ast.arguments( posonlyargs=[], args=initialBehaviorArgs, vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[], ) # helpers
[docs]class AttributeFinder(ast.NodeVisitor): """Utility class for finding all referenced attributes of a given name.""" @staticmethod def find(target, node): af = AttributeFinder(target) af.visit(node) return af.attributes, af.rawLoc def __init__(self, target): super().__init__() = target self.attributes = set() self.rawLoc = None def visit_Attribute(self, node): val = node.value if isinstance(val, ast.Name) and == self.attributes.add(node.attr) return self.visit(val) def visit_Name(self, node): if == self.rawLoc = node
[docs]class LocalFinder(ast.NodeVisitor): """Utility class for finding all local variables of a code block.""" @staticmethod def findIn(block): lf = LocalFinder() for statement in block: lf.visit(statement) names = lf.names return names - lf.globals - lf.nonlocals def __init__(self): self.names = set() self.globals = set() self.nonlocals = set() def visit_Global(self, node): self.globals.update(node.names) def visit_Nonlocal(self, node): self.nonlocals.update(node.names) def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): self.names.add( self.visit(node.args) for decorator in node.decorator_list: self.visit(decorator) if node.returns is not None: self.visit(node.returns) # do not visit body; it's another block def visit_Lambda(self, node): self.visit(node.args) # do not visit body; it's another block def visit_ClassDef(self, node): self.names.add( for child in itertools.chain(node.bases, node.keywords, node.decorator_list): self.visit(child) # do not visit body; it's another block def visit_Import(self, node): for alias in node.names: bound = alias.asname if bound is None: bound = self.names.add(bound) def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): self.visit_Import(node) def visit_Name(self, node): if isinstance(node.ctx, (ast.Store, ast.Del)): self.names.add( def visit_ExceptHandler(self, node): if is not None: self.names.add( self.generic_visit(node)
[docs]class Transformer(ast.NodeTransformer): """Subclass of `ast.NodeTransformer` with a method for raising syntax errors.""" def __init__(self, filename): super().__init__() self.filename = filename def makeSyntaxError(self, msg, node: ast.AST) -> ScenicParseError: e = SyntaxError(msg) e.lineno = node.lineno e.offset = node.col_offset if node.end_lineno is not None: e.end_lineno = node.end_lineno if node.end_col_offset is not None: e.end_offset = node.end_col_offset e.filename = self.filename raise ScenicParseError(e)
# Proposition Constructors with Temporal Operators Support PROPOSITION_AND = "PropositionAnd" PROPOSITION_OR = "PropositionOr" PROPOSITION_NOT = "PropositionNot" ATOMIC_PROPOSITION = "AtomicProposition" ALWAYS = "Always" EVENTUALLY = "Eventually" NEXT = "Next" UNTIL = "Until" IMPLIES = "Implies" PROPOSITION_FACTORY = ( PROPOSITION_AND, PROPOSITION_OR, PROPOSITION_NOT, ATOMIC_PROPOSITION, ALWAYS, EVENTUALLY, NEXT, UNTIL, IMPLIES, ) TEMPORAL_PREFIX_OPS = { "always", "eventually", "next", } class AtomicCheckTransformer(Transformer): def visit_Call(self, node: ast.Call): func = node.func if isinstance(func, ast.Name) and in TEMPORAL_PREFIX_OPS: self.makeSyntaxError( f'malformed use of the "{}" temporal operator', node ) return self.generic_visit(node) class PropositionTransformer(Transformer): def __init__(self, filename="<unknown>") -> None: super().__init__(filename) self.nextSyntaxId = 0 def transform( self, node: ast.AST, nextSyntaxId=0 ) -> Tuple[ast.AST, List[ast.AST], int]: """`transform` takes an AST node and apply transformations needed for temporal evaluation Args: node (ast.AST): AST node to perform proposition transformation nextSyntaxId (int, optional): Assign syntax ids starting at this number. Defaults to 0. Returns: ast.AST: Transformed AST node """ self.nextSyntaxId = nextSyntaxId wrapped = self.visit(ast.fix_missing_locations(node)) if self.is_proposition_factory(wrapped): return wrapped, self.nextSyntaxId newNode = self._create_atomic_proposition_factory(node) return newNode, self.nextSyntaxId def generic_visit(self, node): acv = AtomicCheckTransformer(self.filename) acv.visit(node) return node def _register_requirement_syntax(self, syntax): """register requirement syntax for later use returns an ID for retrieving the syntax Args: propositionSyntax (ast.Node): AST Node that represents the requirement Returns: int: generated requirement syntax ID """ syntaxId = self.nextSyntaxId self.nextSyntaxId += 1 return syntaxId def _create_atomic_proposition_factory(self, node): """ Given an expression, create an atomic proposition factory. Note: You must call `self.visit(node)` manually. This method does not make the surgeon visit the node. """ lineNum = ast.Constant(node.lineno) ast.copy_location(lineNum, node) closure = ast.Lambda(noArgs, node) ast.copy_location(closure, node) syntaxId = self._register_requirement_syntax(node) syntaxIdConst = ast.Constant(syntaxId) ast.copy_location(syntaxIdConst, node) ap = ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id=ATOMIC_PROPOSITION, ctx=loadCtx), args=[closure], keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg="syntaxId", value=syntaxIdConst), ], ) ast.copy_location(ap, node) return ap def is_proposition_factory(self, node): return ( isinstance(node, ast.Call) and isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) and in PROPOSITION_FACTORY ) def visit_BoolOp(self, node: ast.BoolOp) -> ast.AST: """Convert a BoolOp node (`and`, `or`) to a corresponding proposition factory""" # 1. wrap each operand with a lambda function operands = [] for operand in node.values: o = self.visit(operand) if self.is_proposition_factory(o): # if the operand is already an temporal requirement factory, keep it operands.append(self.visit(o)) continue # if the operand is not an temporal requirement factory, make it an AP closure = self._create_atomic_proposition_factory(o) operands.append(closure) # 2. create a function call and pass operands boolOpToFunctionName = { ast.Or: "PropositionOr", ast.And: "PropositionAnd", } funcId = boolOpToFunctionName.get(type(node.op)) newNode = ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id=funcId, ctx=ast.Load()), # pass a list of operands as the first argument args=[ast.copy_location(ast.List(elts=operands, ctx=ast.Load()), node)], keywords=[], ) return ast.copy_location(newNode, node) def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): # rewrite `not` in requirements into a proposition factory if not isinstance(node.op, ast.Not): return self.generic_visit(node) lineNum = ast.Constant(node.lineno) ast.copy_location(lineNum, node) operand = self.visit(node.operand) newOperand = ( operand if self.is_proposition_factory(operand) else self._create_atomic_proposition_factory(operand) ) newNode = ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id=PROPOSITION_NOT, ctx=ast.Load()), args=[newOperand], keywords=[], ) return ast.copy_location(newNode, node) def visit_Always(self, node: s.Always): value = self.visit(node.value) if not self.is_proposition_factory(value): value = self._create_atomic_proposition_factory(value) return ast.Call( func=ast.Name("Always", ctx=loadCtx), args=[value], keywords=[], ) def visit_Eventually(self, node: s.Eventually): value = self.visit(node.value) if not self.is_proposition_factory(value): value = self._create_atomic_proposition_factory(value) return ast.Call( func=ast.Name("Eventually", ctx=loadCtx), args=[value], keywords=[], ) def visit_Next(self, node: s.Next): value = self.visit(node.value) if not self.is_proposition_factory(value): value = self._create_atomic_proposition_factory(value) return ast.Call( func=ast.Name("Next", ctx=loadCtx), args=[value], keywords=[], ) def visit_UntilOp(self, node: s.UntilOp): left = self.visit(node.left) if not self.is_proposition_factory(left): left = self._create_atomic_proposition_factory(left) right = self.visit(node.right) if not self.is_proposition_factory(right): right = self._create_atomic_proposition_factory(right) return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="Until", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(left), self.visit(right)], keywords=[], ) def visit_ImpliesOp(self, node: s.ImpliesOp): hypothesis = self.visit(node.hypothesis) if not self.is_proposition_factory(hypothesis): hypothesis = self._create_atomic_proposition_factory(hypothesis) conclusion = self.visit(node.conclusion) if not self.is_proposition_factory(conclusion): conclusion = self._create_atomic_proposition_factory(conclusion) return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="Implies", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(hypothesis), self.visit(conclusion)], keywords=[], ) def unquote(s: str) -> str: if (s[:3] == s[-3:]) and s.startswith(("'''", '"""')): return s[3:-3] if (s[0] == s[-1]) and s.startswith(("'", '"')): return s[1:-1] return s # transformer
[docs]class Context(IntFlag): TOP_LEVEL = auto() BEHAVIOR = auto() MONITOR = auto() COMPOSE = auto() DYNAMIC = BEHAVIOR | MONITOR | COMPOSE
class ScenicToPythonTransformer(Transformer): def __init__(self, filename) -> None: super().__init__(filename) self.requirements = [] self.nextSyntaxId = 0 self.inBehavior: bool = False "True if the transformer is processing behavior body" self.inMonitor: bool = False "True if the transformer is processing monitor body" self.behaviorLocals: set = set() "Set of variable names on the local scope of the behavior" self.inCompose: bool = False "True if the transformer is processing a `compose` block of modular scenario" self.inTryInterrupt = False self.inInterruptBlock = False self.inLoop = False self.usedBreak = False self.usedContinue = False @property def topLevel(self): return ( not self.inBehavior and not self.inMonitor and not self.inCompose and not self.inTryInterrupt ) def context( allowedContext: Context, errorBuilder: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None, ): "Mark AST node as only available inside certain contexts" def decorator(visitor: Callable[["ScenicToPythonTransformer", ast.AST], ast.AST]): def check_and_visit(self: "ScenicToPythonTransformer", node: ast.AST): ctx = None if self.topLevel and Context.TOP_LEVEL not in allowedContext: ctx = "at the top level" elif self.inBehavior and Context.BEHAVIOR not in allowedContext: ctx = "inside a behavior" elif self.inMonitor and Context.MONITOR not in allowedContext: ctx = "inside a monitor" elif self.inCompose and Context.COMPOSE not in allowedContext: ctx = "inside a compose block" if ctx: raise self.makeSyntaxError( ( f'Cannot use "{node.__class__.__name__}" {ctx}' if errorBuilder is None else errorBuilder(ctx) ), node, ) return visitor(self, node) return check_and_visit return decorator def generic_visit(self, node): if isinstance(node, s.AST): assert ( False ), f'Scenic AST node "{node.__class__.__name__}" needs visitor in compiler' return super().generic_visit(node) # add support for list of nodes def visit(self, node: Union[ast.AST, List[ast.AST]]): if isinstance(node, ast.AST): return super().visit(node) elif isinstance(node, list): newStatements = [] for statement in node: newStatement = self.visit(statement) if isinstance(newStatement, ast.AST): newStatements.append(newStatement) else: newStatements.extend(newStatement) return newStatements else: assert False, f"unknown object {node} encountered during compilation" # helper functions def _register_requirement_syntax(self, syntax: ast.AST) -> int: self.requirements.append(syntax) return len(self.requirements) - 1 def visit_Name(self, node: ast.Name) -> Any: if in builtinNames: if not isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load): raise self.makeSyntaxError(f'unexpected keyword "{}"', node) # Convert global parameters name to a call if == globalParametersName: node = ast.copy_location( ast.Call(ast.Name(, loadCtx), [], []), node ) elif in trackedNames: if not isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load): raise self.makeSyntaxError( f'only simple assignments to "{}" are allowed', node ) node = ast.copy_location(ast.Call(ast.Name(, loadCtx), [], []), node) elif in self.behaviorLocals: lookup = ast.Attribute(ast.Name(behaviorArgName, loadCtx),, node.ctx) return ast.copy_location(lookup, node) return node # hook control flow nodes to set appropriate flags for try-interrupt def visit_For(self, node): old = self.inLoop self.inLoop = True newNode = self.generic_visit(node) self.inLoop = old return newNode def visit_While(self, node): old = self.inLoop self.inLoop = True newNode = self.generic_visit(node) self.inLoop = old return newNode def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): oldInLoop, oldInInterruptBlock = self.inLoop, self.inInterruptBlock self.inLoop, self.inInterruptBlock = False, False newNode = self.generic_visit(node) self.inLoop, self.inInterruptBlock = oldInLoop, oldInInterruptBlock return newNode def visit_Break(self, node): if self.inInterruptBlock and not self.inLoop: if not self.usedBreak: self.usedBreak = node newNode = ast.Return(breakFlag) return ast.copy_location(newNode, node) else: return self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Continue(self, node): if self.inInterruptBlock and not self.inLoop: if not self.usedContinue: self.usedContinue = node newNode = ast.Return(continueFlag) return ast.copy_location(newNode, node) else: return self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Return(self, node): if self.inInterruptBlock: value = ast.Constant(None) if node.value is None else node.value ret = ast.Return(ast.Call(returnFlag, [value], [])) return ast.copy_location(ret, node) else: return self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Yield(self, node): if self.inCompose or self.inBehavior: # `yield` statements are not allowed inside a compose/behavior block raise self.makeSyntaxError( "Cannot use `yield` inside a compose/behavior block", node ) return self.generic_visit(node) def visit_YieldFrom(self, node): if self.inCompose or self.inBehavior: # `yield from` statements are not allowed inside a compose/behavior block raise self.makeSyntaxError( "Cannot use `yield from` inside a compose/behavior block", node ) return self.generic_visit(node) # Special Case @context(Context.DYNAMIC) def visit_TryInterrupt(self, node: s.TryInterrupt): statements = [] oldInTryInterrupt = self.inTryInterrupt self.inTryInterrupt = True oldInInterruptBlock, oldInLoop = self.inInterruptBlock, self.inLoop self.inInterruptBlock = True self.inLoop = False self.usedBreak = False self.usedContinue = False def makeInterruptBlock(name, body): newBody = self.visit(body) allLocals = sorted(LocalFinder.findIn(newBody)) # Sort for determinism if allLocals: newBody.insert(0, ast.Nonlocal(allLocals)) newBody.append(ast.Return(finishedFlag)) return ast.FunctionDef(name, onlyBehaviorArgs, newBody, [], None) bodyName = f"{interruptPrefix}_body" statements.append(makeInterruptBlock(bodyName, node.body)) handlerNames, conditionNames = [], [] for i, handler in enumerate(node.interrupt_when_handlers): condition = handler.cond block = handler.body handlerName = f"{interruptPrefix}_handler_{i}" handlerNames.append(handlerName) conditionName = f"{interruptPrefix}_condition_{i}" conditionNames.append(conditionName) statements.append(makeInterruptBlock(handlerName, block)) self.inGuard = True checker = ast.Lambda(noArgs, self.visit(condition)) self.inGuard = False defChecker = ast.Assign([ast.Name(conditionName, ast.Store())], checker) statements.append(defChecker) self.inInterruptBlock, self.inLoop = oldInInterruptBlock, oldInLoop self.inTryInterrupt = oldInTryInterrupt # Prepare tuples of interrupt conditions and handlers # (in order from high priority to low, so reversed relative to the syntax) conditions = ast.Tuple( [ast.Name(n, ast.Load()) for n in reversed(conditionNames)], ast.Load() ) handlers = ast.Tuple( [ast.Name(n, ast.Load()) for n in reversed(handlerNames)], ast.Load() ) # Construct code to execute the try-interrupt statement args = [ ast.Name(behaviorArgName, ast.Load()), ast.Name("self", ast.Load()), ast.Name(bodyName, ast.Load()), conditions, handlers, ] callRuntime = ast.Call(ast.Name("runTryInterrupt", ast.Load()), args, []) runTI = ast.Assign( [ast.Name(temporaryName, ast.Store())], ast.YieldFrom(callRuntime) ) statements.append(runTI) result = ast.Name(temporaryName, ast.Load()) if self.usedBreak: test = ast.Compare(result, [ast.Is()], [breakFlag]) brk = ast.copy_location(ast.Break(), self.usedBreak) statements.append(ast.If(test, [brk], [])) if self.usedContinue: test = ast.Compare(result, [ast.Is()], [continueFlag]) cnt = ast.copy_location(ast.Continue(), self.usedContinue) statements.append(ast.If(test, [cnt], [])) test = ast.Compare(result, [ast.Is()], [returnFlag]) retCheck = ast.If( test, [ast.Return(ast.Attribute(result, "return_value", ast.Load()))], [] ) statements.append(retCheck) # Construct overall try-except statement if node.except_handlers or node.finalbody: newTry = ast.Try( statements, [self.visit(handler) for handler in node.except_handlers], self.visit(node.orelse), self.visit(node.finalbody), ) return ast.copy_location(newTry, node) else: return statements def visit_TrackedAssign(self, node: s.TrackedAssign): return ast.Expr( value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(, ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.value)], keywords=[], ) ) def visit_InitialScenario(self, node: s.InitialScenario): return ast.copy_location( ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="in_initial_scenario", ctx=loadCtx), args=[], keywords=[], ), node, ) def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ast.ClassDef) -> Any: # use `Object` as base if none is specified if not node.bases: node.bases = [ast.Name("Object", loadCtx)] # annotated assignments are not allowed in Scenic classes # those should be parsed as property definitions instead for stmt in node.body: if isinstance(stmt, ast.AnnAssign): raise self.makeSyntaxError( "annotated assignments are not allowed in Scenic classes", stmt ) # extract all property definitions propertyDefs: List[s.PropertyDef] = [] newBody = [] propSpot = None for stmt in node.body: if isinstance(stmt, s.PropertyDef): propertyDefs.append(stmt) if propSpot is None: propSpot = len(newBody) else: newBody.append(stmt) # create dictionary from property name (str) to default values propertyDict = {} for propertyDef in propertyDefs: if in propertyDict: raise self.makeSyntaxError( f'duplicated property "{}"', propertyDef ) propertyDict[] = propertyDef newBody.insert( len(newBody) if propSpot is None else propSpot, ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id="_scenic_properties", ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Dict( keys=[ast.Constant(value=p) for p in propertyDict.keys()], values=[self.transformPropertyDef(v) for v in propertyDict.values()], ), ), ) node.body = newBody return self.generic_visit(node) def transformPropertyDef(self, node: s.PropertyDef): properties, rawLoc = AttributeFinder.find("self", node.value) if rawLoc: self.makeSyntaxError( 'cannot use raw name "self" in a default value (only "")', rawLoc, ) return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="_scenic_default", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ ast.Set(elts=[ast.Constant(value=p) for p in properties]), ast.Set( elts=[ast.Constant(value=attr.keyword) for attr in node.attributes] ), ast.Lambda( args=selfArg, body=node.value, ), ], keywords=[], ) def visit_PropertyDef(self, _: s.PropertyDef) -> Any: assert False, "PropertyDef should be handled in `visit_ClassDef`" @context(Context.TOP_LEVEL) def visit_BehaviorDef(self, node: s.BehaviorDef): return self.makeBehaviorLikeDef( baseClassName="Behavior",, args=node.args, docstring=node.docstring, header=node.header, body=node.body, ) @context(Context.TOP_LEVEL) def visit_MonitorDef(self, node: s.MonitorDef): return self.makeBehaviorLikeDef( baseClassName="Monitor",, args=node.args, docstring=node.docstring, header=[], body=node.body, ) @context(Context.TOP_LEVEL) def visit_ScenarioDef(self, node: s.ScenarioDef): # Set up arguments for setup and compose blocks args: ast.arguments = self.visit(node.args) args.posonlyargs = initialBehaviorArgs + args.posonlyargs # Get preconditions and invariants preconditions, invariants = self.separatePreconditionsAndInvariants(node.header) # Find all locals of the scenario, which will be shared amongst the various blocks allLocals = set() if node.compose: allLocals.update(LocalFinder.findIn(node.compose)) if node.setup: allLocals.update(LocalFinder.findIn(node.setup)) oldBL = self.behaviorLocals self.behaviorLocals = allLocals # Construct compose block self.inCompose = True guardCheckers = self.makeGuardCheckers(args, preconditions, invariants) if node.compose or preconditions or invariants: if node.compose: body = self.visit(node.compose) else: # generate no-op compose block to ensure invariants are checked wait = self.generateInvocation(node, ast.Constant(())) body = [ast.While(ast.Constant(True), wait, [])] compose = ast.FunctionDef("_compose", args, body, [], None) else: compose = ast.Assign([ast.Name("_compose", ast.Store())], ast.Constant(None)) self.inCompose = False # Construct setup block self.inSetup = True if node.setup: setup = ast.FunctionDef("_setup", args, self.visit(node.setup), [], None) else: setup = ast.Assign([ast.Name("_setup", ast.Store())], ast.Constant(None)) self.inSetup = False self.behaviorLocals = oldBL # Assemble scenario definition locs = ast.Constant(tuple(sorted(allLocals))) # sort for AST determinism locs = ast.Call(ast.Name("frozenset", ast.Load()), [locs], []) saveLocals = ast.Assign([ast.Name("_locals", ast.Store())], locs) body = guardCheckers + [saveLocals, setup, compose] return ast.ClassDef(, [ast.Name("DynamicScenario", loadCtx)], [], body, [] ) def makeGuardCheckers( self, args: ast.arguments, preconditions: List[s.Precondition], invariants: List[s.Invariant], ) -> List[ast.AST]: """Create a list of statements that defines precondition and invariant checker""" # Statements that check preconditions are satisfied preconditionChecks = [] for precondition in preconditions: call = ast.Call( ast.Name("PreconditionViolation", loadCtx), [ ast.Name(behaviorArgName, loadCtx), ast.Constant(precondition.lineno), ], [], ) throw = ast.Raise(exc=call, cause=None) check = ast.If( test=ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), self.visit(precondition.value)), body=[throw], orelse=[], ) chained_throw = ast.Raise(exc=call, cause=ast.Name("e", loadCtx)) catch = ast.ExceptHandler( type=ast.Name("RejectionException", loadCtx), name="e", body=[chained_throw], ) wrapped_check = ast.Try( body=[check], handlers=[catch], orelse=[], finalbody=[] ) preconditionChecks.append(ast.copy_location(wrapped_check, precondition)) definePreconditionChecker = ast.FunctionDef( checkPreconditionsName, args, preconditionChecks or [ast.Pass()], [], None ) # Statements that check invariants are satisfied invariantChecks = [] for invariant in invariants: call = ast.Call( ast.Name("InvariantViolation", loadCtx), [ast.Name(behaviorArgName, loadCtx), ast.Constant(invariant.lineno)], [], ) throw = ast.Raise(exc=call, cause=None) check = ast.If( test=ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), self.visit(invariant.value)), body=[throw], orelse=[], ) chained_throw = ast.Raise(exc=call, cause=ast.Name("e", loadCtx)) catch = ast.ExceptHandler( type=ast.Name("RejectionException", loadCtx), name="e", body=[chained_throw], ) wrapped_check = ast.Try( body=[check], handlers=[catch], orelse=[], finalbody=[] ) invariantChecks.append(ast.copy_location(wrapped_check, invariant)) defineInvariantChecker = ast.FunctionDef( checkInvariantsName, args, invariantChecks or [ast.Pass()], [], None ) # assemble function body preamble preamble = [ definePreconditionChecker, defineInvariantChecker, ] return preamble def separatePreconditionsAndInvariants( self, header: List[Union[s.Precondition, s.Invariant]] ) -> Tuple[List[s.Precondition], List[s.Invariant]]: """Given a list of preconditions and invariants, separate items into the list of preconditions and list of invariants Args: header (List[Union[s.Precondition, s.Invariant]]): List of preconditions and invariants Returns: Tuple[List[s.Precondition], List[s.Invariant]]: Tuple of precondition list and invariant list """ preconditions: List[s.Precondition] = [] invariants: List[s.Invariant] = [] for n in header: if isinstance(n, s.Precondition): preconditions.append(n) elif isinstance(n, s.Invariant): invariants.append(n) else: assert False, f"Unexpected node type {n.__class__.__name__}" return (preconditions, invariants) def makeBehaviorLikeDef( self, baseClassName: Literal["Behavior", "Monitor"], name: str, args: Optional[ast.arguments], docstring: Optional[str], header: List[Union[s.Precondition, s.Invariant]], body: List[ast.AST], ): if baseClassName == "Behavior": ctxFlag = "inBehavior" elif baseClassName == "Monitor": ctxFlag = "inMonitor" else: assert False, f'Unexpected base class name "{baseClassName}"' # --- Extract preconditions and invariants --- preconditions, invariants = self.separatePreconditionsAndInvariants(header) # --- Copy arguments to the behavior object's namespace --- # list of all arguments allArgs = itertools.chain(args.posonlyargs, args.args, args.kwonlyargs) # statements that create argument variables copyArgs: List[ast.AST] = [] for arg in allArgs: dest = ast.Attribute(ast.Name(behaviorArgName, loadCtx), arg.arg, ast.Store()) copyArgs.append( ast.copy_location(ast.Assign([dest], ast.Name(arg.arg, loadCtx)), arg) ) # --- Create a new `arguments` --- newArgs: ast.arguments = self.visit(args) # add private current behavior argument and implicit `self` argument newArgs.posonlyargs = initialBehaviorArgs + newArgs.posonlyargs # --- Process body --- setattr(self, ctxFlag, True) oldBehaviorLocals = self.behaviorLocals self.behaviorLocals = allLocals = LocalFinder.findIn(body) # handle docstring newBody = body docstringNode = [] if docstring is not None: docstringNode = [ast.Expr(ast.Constant(unquote(docstring)))] # process body statements = self.visit(newBody) generatorBody = copyArgs + statements generatorDefinition = ast.FunctionDef( name="makeGenerator", args=newArgs, body=generatorBody, decorator_list=[], returns=None, ) # --- Save local variables --- locs = ast.Constant(tuple(sorted(allLocals))) # sort for AST determinism locs = ast.Call(ast.Name("frozenset", ast.Load()), [locs], []) saveLocals = ast.Assign([ast.Name("_locals", ast.Store())], locs) # --- Guards --- guardCheckers = self.makeGuardCheckers(newArgs, preconditions, invariants) # --- Create class definition --- classBody = docstringNode + guardCheckers + [saveLocals, generatorDefinition] classDefinition = ast.ClassDef( name, [ast.Name(baseClassName, loadCtx)], [], classBody, [] ) setattr(self, ctxFlag, False) self.behaviorLocals = oldBehaviorLocals return classDefinition def visit_Call(self, node: ast.Call) -> Any: newArgs = [] wrappedStar = False for arg in node.args: if isinstance(arg, ast.Starred) and not self.inBehavior: wrappedStar = True checkedVal = ast.Call( ast.Name("wrapStarredValue", ast.Load()), [self.visit(arg.value), ast.Constant(arg.value.lineno)], [], ) newArgs.append(ast.Starred(checkedVal, ast.Load())) else: newArgs.append(self.visit(arg)) newKeywords = [self.visit(kwarg) for kwarg in node.keywords] newFunc = self.visit(node.func) # Convert primitive type conversions to their Scenic equivalents if isinstance(newFunc, ast.Name): if == "str": = "_toStrScenic" elif == "float": = "_toFloatScenic" elif == "int": = "_toIntScenic" if wrappedStar: newNode = ast.Call( ast.Name("callWithStarArgs", ast.Load()), [newFunc] + newArgs, newKeywords, ) else: newNode = ast.Call(newFunc, newArgs, newKeywords) newNode = ast.copy_location(newNode, node) return newNode @context(Context.TOP_LEVEL) def visit_Model(self, node: s.Model): if self.inSetup: raise self.makeSyntaxError('Cannot use "model" inside a setup block', node) return ast.Expr( value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="model", ctx=loadCtx), args=[ ast.Name(id="_Scenic_module_namespace", ctx=loadCtx), ast.Constant(, ], keywords=[], ) ) @context(Context.TOP_LEVEL) def visit_Mutate(self, node: s.Mutate): return ast.Expr( value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="mutate", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(el) for el in node.elts], keywords=( [ast.keyword(arg="scale", value=self.visit(node.scale))] if node.scale is not None else [] ), ) ) @context(Context.TOP_LEVEL) def visit_Param(self, node: s.Param): d = dict() for parameter in node.elts: if parameter.identifier in d: raise self.makeSyntaxError( f'Duplicated param "{parameter.identifier}"', node ) d[parameter.identifier] = self.visit(parameter.value) return ast.Expr( value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="param", ctx=loadCtx), args=[ ast.Dict( [ast.Constant(k) for k in d.keys()], list(d.values()), ) ], keywords=[], ) ) def visit_Require(self, node: s.Require): prob = node.prob if prob is not None and not 0 <= prob <= 1: raise self.makeSyntaxError("probability must be between 0 and 1", node) return self.createRequirementLike( "require", node.cond, node.lineno,, prob ) def visit_RequireMonitor(self, node: s.RequireMonitor): return self.createRequirementLike( "require_monitor", node.monitor, node.lineno, ) def visit_Override(self, node: s.Override): return ast.Expr( value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="override", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(] + [self.visit(s) for s in node.specifiers], keywords=[], ) ) def visit_Abort(self, node: s.Abort): if not self.inInterruptBlock: raise self.makeSyntaxError( "`abort` can only be used inside an interrupt block", node ) return ast.copy_location( ast.Return(abortFlag), node, ) @context(Context.BEHAVIOR) def visit_Take(self, node: s.Take): action = ast.Tuple(self.visit(node.elts), loadCtx) return self.generateInvocation(node, ast.copy_location(action, node)) @context(Context.DYNAMIC) def visit_Wait(self, node: s.Wait): return self.generateInvocation(node, ast.Constant(())) @context(Context.DYNAMIC) def visit_Terminate(self, node: s.Terminate): termination = ast.Call( ast.Name("_makeTerminationAction", loadCtx), [ast.Name("self", ast.Load()), ast.Constant(node.lineno)], [], ) return self.generateInvocation(node, termination) @context(Context.DYNAMIC) def visit_TerminateSimulation(self, node: s.TerminateSimulation): termination = ast.Call( ast.Name("_makeSimulationTerminationAction", loadCtx), [ast.Constant(node.lineno)], [], ) return self.generateInvocation(node, termination) @context(Context.DYNAMIC) def visit_Do(self, node: s.Do): if (self.inBehavior or self.inMonitor) and len(node.elts) > 1: raise self.makeSyntaxError( f"`do` can only take one action inside a {'behavior' if self.inBehavior else 'monitor'}", node, ) return self.makeDoLike(node, node.elts) @context(Context.DYNAMIC) def visit_DoFor(self, node: s.DoFor): if (self.inBehavior or self.inMonitor) and len(node.elts) > 1: raise self.makeSyntaxError( f"`do` can only take one action inside a {'behavior' if self.inBehavior else 'monitor'}", node, ) return self.makeDoLike( node, node.elts, modifier=ast.Call( func=ast.Name("Modifier", loadCtx), args=[ ast.Constant("for"), self.visit(node.duration.value), ast.Constant(node.duration.unitStr), ], keywords=[], ), ) @context(Context.DYNAMIC) def visit_DoUntil(self, node: s.DoUntil): if (self.inBehavior or self.inMonitor) and len(node.elts) > 1: raise self.makeSyntaxError( f"`do` can only take one action inside a {'behavior' if self.inBehavior else 'monitor'}", node, ) return self.makeDoLike( node, node.elts, modifier=ast.Call( func=ast.Name("Modifier", loadCtx), args=[ ast.Constant("until"), ast.Lambda(noArgs, self.visit(node.cond)), ], keywords=[], ), ) def visit_DoChoose(self, node: s.DoChoose): return self.makeDoLike(node, node.elts, schedule="choose") def visit_DoShuffle(self, node: s.DoChoose): return self.makeDoLike(node, node.elts, schedule="shuffle") def generateInvocation(self, node: ast.AST, actionlike, invoker=ast.Yield): """Generate an invocation of an action, behavior, or scenario.""" invokeAction = ast.Expr(invoker(actionlike)) checker = ast.Attribute( ast.Name(behaviorArgName, loadCtx), checkInvariantsName, loadCtx ) args = ast.Starred( ast.Attribute(ast.Name(behaviorArgName, loadCtx), "_args", loadCtx), loadCtx ) kwargs = ast.keyword( None, ast.Attribute(ast.Name(behaviorArgName, loadCtx), "_kwargs", loadCtx) ) checkInvariants = ast.Expr( ast.Call(checker, [ast.Name("self", loadCtx), args], [kwargs]) ) ast.copy_location(invokeAction, node) ast.copy_location(checkInvariants, node) return [ invokeAction, checkInvariants, ] def makeDoLike( self, node: ast.AST, elts: List[ast.AST], modifier: Optional[ast.Call] = None, schedule: Optional[str] = None, ): subHandler = ast.Attribute( ast.Name(behaviorArgName, loadCtx), "_invokeSubBehavior", loadCtx ) subArgs = [ ast.Name("self", loadCtx), ast.Tuple([self.visit(e) for e in elts], loadCtx), ] if modifier is not None: subArgs.append(modifier) keywords = [] if schedule is not None: keywords = [ast.keyword("schedule", ast.Constant(schedule))] subRunner = ast.Call(subHandler, subArgs, keywords) return self.generateInvocation(node, subRunner, ast.YieldFrom) @context(Context.TOP_LEVEL) def visit_Record(self, node: s.Record): return self.createRequirementLike("record", node.value, node.lineno, @context(Context.TOP_LEVEL) def visit_RecordInitial(self, node: s.RecordInitial): return self.createRequirementLike( "record_initial", node.value, node.lineno, ) @context(Context.TOP_LEVEL) def visit_RecordFinal(self, node: s.RecordFinal): return self.createRequirementLike( "record_final", node.value, node.lineno, ) @context(Context.TOP_LEVEL) def visit_TerminateWhen(self, node: s.TerminateWhen): return self.createRequirementLike( "terminate_when", node.cond, node.lineno, ) @context(Context.TOP_LEVEL) def visit_TerminateSimulationWhen(self, node: s.TerminateSimulationWhen): return self.createRequirementLike( "terminate_simulation_when", node.cond, node.lineno, ) def createRequirementLike( self, functionName: str, body: ast.AST, lineno: int, name: Optional[str] = None, prob: Optional[float] = None, ): """Create a call to a function that implements requirement-like features, such as `record` and `terminate when`. Args: functionName (str): Name of the requirement-like function to call. Its signature must be `(reqId: int, body: () -> bool, lineno: int, name: str | None)` body (ast.AST): AST node to evaluate for checking the condition lineno (int): Line number in the source code name (Optional[str], optional): Optional name for requirements. Defaults to None. prob (Optional[float], optional): Optional probability for requirements. Defaults to None. """ propTransformer = PropositionTransformer(self.filename) newBody, self.nextSyntaxId = propTransformer.transform(body, self.nextSyntaxId) newBody = self.visit(newBody) requirementId = self._register_requirement_syntax(body) return ast.Expr( value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(functionName, loadCtx), args=[ ast.Constant(requirementId), # requirement IDre newBody, # body ast.Constant(lineno), # line number ast.Constant(name), # requirement name ], keywords=( [ast.keyword(arg="prob", value=ast.Constant(prob))] if prob is not None else [] ), ) ) @context(Context.TOP_LEVEL) def visit_TerminateAfter(self, node: s.TerminateAfter): return ast.copy_location( ast.Expr( ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="terminate_after", ctx=loadCtx), args=[ self.visit(node.duration.value), ast.Constant(node.duration.unitStr), ], keywords=[], ) ), node, ) @context(Context.TOP_LEVEL) def visit_Simulator(self, node: s.Simulator): return ast.copy_location( ast.Expr( ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="simulator", ctx=loadCtx), args=[ast.Lambda(noArgs, self.visit(node.value))], keywords=[], ) ), node, ) # Instance & Specifier def visit_New(self, node: s.New): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="new", ctx=loadCtx), args=[ ast.Name(id=node.className, ctx=loadCtx), ast.List(elts=[self.visit(s) for s in node.specifiers], ctx=ast.Load()), ], keywords=[], ) def visit_WithSpecifier(self, node: s.WithSpecifier): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="With", ctx=loadCtx), args=[ ast.Constant(value=node.prop), self.visit(node.value), ], keywords=[], ) def visit_AtSpecifier(self, node: s.AtSpecifier): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="At", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.position)], keywords=[], ) def visit_OffsetBySpecifier(self, node: s.OffsetBySpecifier): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="OffsetBy", ctx=loadCtx), args=[ self.visit(node.offset), ], keywords=[], ) def visit_OffsetAlongSpecifier(self, node: s.OffsetAlongSpecifier): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="OffsetAlongSpec", ctx=loadCtx), args=[ self.visit(node.direction), self.visit(node.offset), ], keywords=[], ) def visit_DirectionOfSpecifier(self, node: s.DirectionOfSpecifier): if isinstance(node.direction, s.LeftOf): fn = "LeftSpec" elif isinstance(node.direction, s.RightOf): fn = "RightSpec" elif isinstance(node.direction, s.AheadOf): fn = "Ahead" elif isinstance(node.direction, s.Behind): fn = "Behind" elif isinstance(node.direction, s.Above): fn = "Above" elif isinstance(node.direction, s.Below): fn = "Below" else: assert False, f"impossible direction {node.direction} in PositionSpecifier" return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id=fn, ctx=loadCtx), args=[ self.visit(node.position), ], keywords=( [] if node.distance is None else [ast.keyword(arg="dist", value=self.visit(node.distance))] ), ) def visit_BeyondSpecifier(self, node: s.BeyondSpecifier): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="Beyond", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.position), self.visit(node.offset)], keywords=( [ast.keyword(arg="fromPt", value=self.visit(node.base))] if node.base is not None else [] ), ) def visit_VisibleSpecifier(self, node: s.VisibleSpecifier): if node.base is not None: return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="VisibleFrom", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.base)], keywords=[], ) return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="VisibleSpec", ctx=loadCtx), args=[], keywords=[], ) def visit_NotVisibleSpecifier(self, node: s.NotVisibleSpecifier): if node.base is not None: return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="NotVisibleFrom", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.base)], keywords=[], ) return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="NotVisibleSpec", ctx=loadCtx), args=[], keywords=[], ) def visit_InSpecifier(self, node: s.InSpecifier): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="In", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.region)], keywords=[], ) def visit_OnSpecifier(self, node: s.InSpecifier): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="On", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.region)], keywords=[], ) def visit_ContainedInSpecifier(self, node: s.InSpecifier): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="ContainedIn", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.region)], keywords=[], ) def visit_FollowingSpecifier(self, node: s.FollowingSpecifier): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="Following", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.field), self.visit(node.distance)], keywords=( [ast.keyword(arg="fromPt", value=self.visit(node.base))] if node.base is not None else [] ), ) def visit_FacingSpecifier(self, node: s.FacingSpecifier): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="Facing", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.heading)], keywords=[], ) def visit_FacingTowardSpecifier(self, node: s.FacingTowardSpecifier): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="FacingToward", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.position)], keywords=[], ) def visit_FacingAwayFromSpecifier(self, node: s.FacingAwayFromSpecifier): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="FacingAwayFrom", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.position)], keywords=[], ) def visit_FacingDirectlyTowardSpecifier(self, node: s.FacingDirectlyTowardSpecifier): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="FacingDirectlyToward", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.position)], keywords=[], ) def visit_FacingDirectlyAwayFromSpecifier( self, node: s.FacingDirectlyAwayFromSpecifier ): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="FacingDirectlyAwayFrom", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.position)], keywords=[], ) def visit_ApparentlyFacingSpecifier(self, node: s.ApparentlyFacingSpecifier): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="ApparentlyFacing", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.heading)], keywords=( [ast.keyword(arg="fromPt", value=self.visit(node.base))] if node.base is not None else [] ), ) # Operators def visit_RelativePositionOp(self, node: s.RelativePositionOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="RelativePosition", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(], keywords=( [] if node.base is None else [ast.keyword(arg="Y", value=self.visit(node.base))] ), ) def visit_RelativeHeadingOp(self, node: s.RelativeHeadingOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="RelativeHeading", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(], keywords=( [] if node.base is None else [ast.keyword(arg="Y", value=self.visit(node.base))] ), ) def visit_ApparentHeadingOp(self, node: s.ApparentHeadingOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="ApparentHeading", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(], keywords=( [] if node.base is None else [ast.keyword(arg="Y", value=self.visit(node.base))] ), ) def visit_DistanceFromOp(self, node: s.DistanceFromOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="DistanceFrom", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(], keywords=( [ast.keyword(arg="Y", value=self.visit(node.base))] if node.base is not None else [] ), ) def visit_DistancePastOp(self, node: s.DistancePastOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="DistancePast", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(], keywords=( [] if node.base is None else [ast.keyword(arg="Y", value=self.visit(node.base))] ), ) def visit_AngleFromOp(self, node: s.AngleFromOp): assert ( node.base is not None or is not None ), "neither target nor base were specified in AngleFromOp" keywords = [] if node.base is not None: keywords.append(ast.keyword("X", self.visit(node.base))) if is not None: keywords.append(ast.keyword("Y", self.visit( return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="AngleFrom", ctx=loadCtx), args=[], keywords=keywords, ) def visit_AltitudeFromOp(self, node: s.AltitudeFromOp): assert ( node.base is not None or is not None ), "neither target nor base were specified in AltitudeFromOp" keywords = [] if node.base is not None: keywords.append(ast.keyword("X", self.visit(node.base))) if is not None: keywords.append(ast.keyword("Y", self.visit( return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="AltitudeFrom", ctx=loadCtx), args=[], keywords=keywords, ) def visit_FollowOp(self, node: s.FollowOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="Follow", ctx=loadCtx), args=[ self.visit(, self.visit(node.base), self.visit(node.distance), ], keywords=[], ) def visit_VisibleOp(self, node: s.VisibleOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="Visible", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.region)], keywords=[], ) def visit_NotVisibleOp(self, node: s.VisibleOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="NotVisible", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.region)], keywords=[], ) def visit_VisibleFromOp(self, node: s.VisibleFromOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="VisibleFromOp", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.region), self.visit(node.base)], keywords=[], ) def visit_NotVisibleFromOp(self, node: s.VisibleFromOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="NotVisibleFromOp", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.region), self.visit(node.base)], keywords=[], ) def visit_PositionOfOp(self, node: s.PositionOfOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id=node.position.functionName, ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(], keywords=[], ) def visit_DegOp(self, node: s.DegOp): return ast.BinOp( left=self.visit(node.operand), op=ast.Mult(), right=ast.Constant(0.017453292519943295), ) def visit_VectorOp(self, node: s.VectorOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="Vector", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.left), self.visit(node.right)], keywords=[], ) def visit_FieldAtOp(self, node: s.FieldAtOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="FieldAt", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.left), self.visit(node.right)], keywords=[], ) def visit_RelativeToOp(self, node: s.RelativeToOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="RelativeTo", ctx=loadCtx), args=[self.visit(node.left), self.visit(node.right)], keywords=[], ) def visit_OffsetAlongOp(self, node: s.OffsetAlongOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="OffsetAlong", ctx=loadCtx), args=[ self.visit(node.base), self.visit(node.direction), self.visit(node.offset), ], keywords=[], ) def visit_CanSeeOp(self, node: s.CanSeeOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="CanSee", ctx=loadCtx), args=[ self.visit(node.left), self.visit(node.right), ], keywords=[], ) def visit_IntersectsOp(self, node: s.IntersectsOp): return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="Intersects", ctx=loadCtx), args=[ self.visit(node.left), self.visit(node.right), ], keywords=[], )