"""World model for GTA."""
import random
from scenic.simulators.gta.interface import (Map, MapWorkspace, GTA,
from scenic.simulators.utils.colors import Color, ColorMutator
CarColor = Color # alias for backwards compatibility
# Load map and set up regions, etc.
from scenic.simulators.gta.map import mapPath
if mapPath is None:
raise RuntimeError('need to select GTA map for this scenario')
m = Map.fromFile(mapPath)
#: Vector field representing the nominal traffic direction at a point on the road
roadDirection = m.roadDirection
#: Region representing the roads in the GTA map.
road = m.roadRegion
#: Region representing the curbs in the GTA map.
curb = m.curbRegion
#: Workspace over the `road` Region.
workspace = MapWorkspace(m, road)
# Default values for time and weather
param time = Range(0 * 60, 24 * 60) # 0000 to 2400 hours
param weather = Options({
'CLEAR': 15,
'CLOUDS': 15,
'RAIN': 5,
'FOGGY': 5,
'SMOG': 5,
'XMAS': 1.25,
'SNOWLIGHT': 1.25,
'BLIZZARD': 1.25,
'SNOW': 1.25
[docs]class Car:
"""Scenic class for cars.
position: The default position is uniformly random over the `road`.
heading: The default heading is aligned with `roadDirection`, plus an offset
given by ``roadDeviation``.
roadDeviation (float): Relative heading with respect to the road direction
at the `Car`'s position. Used by the default value for ``heading``.
model (`CarModel`): Model of the car.
color (:obj:`Color` or RGB tuple): Color of the car.
position: new Point on road
heading: (roadDirection at self.position) + self.roadDeviation
roadDeviation: 0
width: self.model.width
length: self.model.length
viewAngle: 80 deg
visibleDistance: 30
model: CarModel.defaultModel()
color: Color.defaultCarColor()
mutator[additive]: ColorMutator()
[docs]class EgoCar(Car):
"""Convenience subclass with defaults for ego cars."""
model: CarModel.egoModel()
[docs]class Bus(Car):
"""Convenience subclass for buses."""
model: CarModel.models['BUS']
[docs]class Compact(Car):
"""Convenience subclass for compact cars."""
model: CarModel.models['BLISTA']
[docs]def createPlatoonAt(car, numCars, model=None, dist=Range(2, 8),
shift=Range(-0.5, 0.5), wiggle=0):
"""Create a platoon starting from the given car."""
cars = [car]
lastCar = car
for i in range(numCars-1):
center = follow roadDirection from (front of lastCar) for resample(dist)
pos = new OrientedPoint right of center by shift, facing resample(wiggle) relative to roadDirection
lastCar = new Car ahead of pos, with model (car.model if model is None else resample(model))
return cars