"""Scenic world model for traffic scenarios in the Newtonian simulator.
This model implements the basic :obj:`~scenic.domains.driving.model.Car` class from the
:obj:`scenic.domains.driving` domain.
Vehicles support the basic actions and behaviors from the driving domain.
A path to a map file for the scenario should be provided as the ``map`` global parameter;
see the driving domain's documentation for details.
from scenic.simulators.newtonian.model import *
from scenic.domains.driving.model import * # includes basic actions and behaviors
from scenic.simulators.utils.colors import Color
param debugRender = False
simulator NewtonianSimulator(network, render=render, debug_render=globalParameters.debugRender)
class NewtonianActor(DrivingObject):
throttle: 0
steer: 0
brake: 0
hand_brake: 0
reverse: 0
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._control = None # used internally to accumulate control updates
def setPosition(self, pos, elevation):
self.position = pos
def setVelocity(self, vel):
self.velocity = vel
def setThrottle(self, throttle):
self.throttle = throttle
def setSteering(self, steering):
self.steer = steering
def setBraking(self, braking):
self.brake = braking
def setHandbrake(self, handbrake):
self.hand_brake = handbrake
def setReverse(self, reverse):
self.reverse = reverse
class Vehicle(Vehicle, NewtonianActor):
class Car(Vehicle, Steers):
def isCar(self):
return True
class Pedestrian(Pedestrian, NewtonianActor, Walks):
[docs]class Debris:
"""Abstract class for debris scattered randomly in the workspace."""
position: new Point in workspace
yaw: Range(0, 360) deg